
Suppose I have the 8-into-8 matrix A. How the binomial transform can be applied on each pair of the components in row wise manner to get the transformed components?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
The formulation can be derived by transforming each pair of pixel components (Ai, Ai+1) into a pair of transformed components (Si, Si+1) using the binomial transform by the following equation
Si+1= Ai - Ai+1
where Si and Si+1 represents the pair of transformed components corresponding to the pixel components Ai and Ai+1.
Similarly, by invrse binomial transform, each pair of transformed components (Si, Si+1) are converted back into spatial domain which consists of pixel components Ai and Ai+1 by the following equation
Ai+1=Si - Si+1
Suppose I have the 8-into-8 matrix A. How the binomial transform can be applied on each pair of the components in row wise manner to get the transformed components?Suppose I have the 8-into-8 matrix A. How the binomial transform can be applied on each pair of the components in row wise manner to get the transformed components?
A=[ 52 51 42 41 39 58 72 87
50 45 49 45 49 66 78 91
45 43 50 50 60 80 92 96
45 47 47 61 76 87 99 99
46 50 58 72 87 99 101 104
50 59 71 88 97 106 105 103
52 66 77 92 102 107 105 103
58 69 79 97 102 106 104 100

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