Hi all,
in case anyone was wondering, this is what I came up with:
%% Data Processing
% This reads the TTTR event records
outfile = [filename(1:length(filename)-4),'.txt'];
fprintf(1,'Analyzing data from %s\n', outfile);
fprintf(1,'This may take a few seconds...');
Ofltime = 0;
Counts = 0;
TTTRData = fread(fid, [1 NumberOfRecords], 'uint32');
TTTRProcessed = zeros(NumberOfRecords,5);
%read values out of bitrecord for each photon and assimilate
position = ftell(fid)
ValidA = bitand(bitshift(TTTRData(:),-30),ones(length(TTTRData),1)) == 1;
CountsA = cumsum(ValidA);
ChannelA = bitand(bitshift(TTTRData(:),-16),ones(length(TTTRData),1).*4095);
%special record
OfltimeA = cumsum(bitand(ChannelA(:),ones(length(TTTRData),1).*2048)./2048.*65536.*(~ValidA));
TimeTagA = bitand(TTTRData(:),ones(length(TTTRData),1).*65535);
TrueTimeA = (OfltimeA + TimeTagA).*TTTRGlobclock.*1e-9;
RouteA = bitand(bitshift(TTTRData(:),-28),ones(length(TTTRData),1).*3);
%zero unimportant data tags reduction
ChannelA = ChannelA.*ValidA;
TimeTagA = TimeTagA.*ValidA;
RouteA = RouteA.*ValidA;
TrueTimeA = TrueTimeA.*ValidA;
CountsA = CountsA.*ValidA;
%concatenate values for single matrix printing/saving
TTTRProcessed = horzcat(CountsA,TimeTagA,TrueTimeA,ChannelA,RouteA);
%removes non-data rows
TTTRProcessed = TTTRProcessed(any(TTTRProcessed,2),:);
if printTXT == 1
fprintf(1,'Writing data to %s\n', outfile);
fpout = fopen(outfile,'W');
fprintf(1,'\n%u photon records written to %s\n\n',max(CountsA),outfile);