
Provide delay to signals

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Muhammad Hammad Uddin
Muhammad Hammad Uddin 2019 年 9 月 25 日
編集済み: Muhammad Hammad Uddin 2019 年 10 月 2 日
I want to delay three signals in a way that if 1stsignal ends so instantly 2nd signal comes and similarly for 3rdsignal , it will be active after 2nd ends. I tried using transport delays because the signal delay can be a fraction (Delay =Duty/Switching frequency =0.6/10000).
The problem here I am facing is that after delay signal is not like as it should be seen in Figure 2. My simulation is attached herewith the figure is in pdf and in fig delay.
After using transport delay / Discrete Variable Time Delaythe duty signal does not replicate origional value

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