
Compare row by row of two arrays and write in array, if there are matching values

6 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hey... how to find matching values between 3 arrays?
A=[1 2 0 3; 3 0 4 0; 6 7 0 0]; B=[1 8 0; 2 3 0 ; 6 1 8]; C=(1 3; 0 0; 5 6 7);
I want to find the values of matching values between those 3 arrays.
Result should be:
result=[1; 0; 6]
There will always be just one match out of these arrays. Therefore I will receive a 1x3 matrix.
0 should not be recognized as a match.
As you can see, the width of the rows is variable. The length of the array is the same for A, B and C.
I tried it with find in a for-loop, but got the matching of the whole arrays and not rows-specific.


Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson 2019 年 8 月 19 日
編集済み: Bob Thompson 2019 年 8 月 19 日
I think intersect is a much better choice here than find.
Because you are looking for specific row results I'm not sure how to do this without a for loop, but this is my idea.
A = [1 2 0 3; 3 0 4 0; 6 7 0 0];
B = [1 8 0; 2 3 0 ; 6 1 8];
C = [1 3; 0 0; 5 6];
result = zeros(size(A,1),1);
for i = 1:size(A,1)
tmp = intersect(A(i,:),B(i,:));
tmp = intersect(tmp,C(i,:));
if length(tmp)>1
tmp = tmp(tmp~=0);
result(i) = tmp;
  2 件のコメント
Joshua Lindner
Joshua Lindner 2019 年 8 月 19 日
Thanks for you reply!
But this just works for arrays of the same size. In my case I get an error...
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson 2019 年 8 月 19 日
Sorry, I had a typo.
if length(tmp)>1
Replace the line.


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