
import a part data from a csv file

13 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Ken 2012 年 7 月 20 日
I worked on importing csv files for days, but still quite new to Matlab. Sorry for bringing this kind of question again, I did not find an exact answer to my work. I listed my file my code, and hope can get help :). Thanks.
1. csv dataset looks like;
2. my code to do the import;
3. Data I want to have;
4. questions;
1. Dataset looks like:
This csv file is a double-quoted format file. I want to import data from lines below the line with "DataType" and "NET". Until it reads a "blank line". Data should be read into 'NET', 1st column is character, other columns are numeric. Tried to read NET into matrix but fail, but I can read it into cell array type. Please also see Matlab codes in 2.
"date:", "XX XX"
"Operator:", "XXXX"
" "
"DataType", "NET"
"a", "b", "c", "d", .. "x"
"v1", "2", "2", "3", .. "1"
"v2", "2", "2", "3", .. "1"
"v3", "3", "2", "3", .. "1"
"v4", "2", "6", "3", .. "0"
"v5", "2", "2", "3", .. "1"
"v115", "2", "2", "3", .. "1"
<---------------- (blank line here)
"other", "other"
"other", "2", "2", "3", .. "1"
"other", "2", "2", "3", .. "1"
2. My code to do the import:
fid_t = fopen('C\:data.csv', 'r');
while ~feof(fid_t)
temp1 = fgetl(fid_t);
temp2 = regexprep(temp1, '"', '');
line = csv2cell(temp2);
if strcmp(line{1}, 'DataType:')
if strcmp(line{2}, 'NET')
while ~feof(fid_t)
if isempty(line)
tp1 = fgetl(fid_t);
tp2 = regexprep(tp1, '"', '');
temp_1 = textscan(tp2, '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s',...
'Delimiter', ',');
3. Data I want to have
v1 2 2 3 .. 1
v2 2 2 3 .. 1
v3 3 2 3 .. 1
v4 2 6 3 .. 0
v5 2 2 3 .. 1
v115 2 2 3 .. 1
4. Questions:
1)My code in (2.) worked, and could return a NET cell array for me. But I got error:
??? Error using ==> textscan First input can not be empty.
NET= {1x9 cell} {1x9 cell} {1x9 cell}....{1x9 cell} ....
NET <1x96 cell>
But how to convert NET to a matrix looks like in 3?
2)Is there any effective way to do this? Columns in NET are not fixed. I have a batch of such kind of files, some of them have only 4~5 columns and some of them have 50~60 columns. I do want to read all these columns into matrix and make it looks like in 3.
Thank you so much.

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