continious Zero Matrix filling

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Smiljan 2012 年 6 月 6 日
I have a GUI in which ill enter values and save those variables in one Matrix. So every time i enter variables and push the button i want the matrix to get populated continiously.
Here is my work so far:
sc = [d, l, hs1, hs2, bs1, bs2, phi1, phi2]; % vecotr in which the variables are written in
mat=zeros(100,8); % Zero Matrix with 8 columns for the 8 variables and 100 rows max.
mat(1,1:length(sc))=sc % here i want to write the vektor into the zero matrix
% save in variable setappdata(0,'sc',sc)
i dont know how i can write the code for adding the variables into the zero matrix without erasing the last ones. so every time i push the button in the gui i want the vector sc to be saved in the zero matrix .


Nirmal 2012 年 6 月 6 日
In that case you need to setup a counter lets say cnt
cnt=0%initialization at the very beginning
Now you need to use the counter as the index. Where you want to use a loop or not is totally upto you and the application you are building.
sc = [d, l, hs1, hs2, bs1, bs2, phi1, phi2]; % vecotr in which the variables are written in
mat(cnt,1:length(sc))=sc % here i want to write the vektor into the zero matrix
cnt=cnt+1;%increment the counter
  8 件のコメント
Smiljan 2012 年 6 月 7 日
Sorry for bothering again. I still have problems with this.
Here is what i wrote in the opening GUI function:
handles.cnt=1; %start the counter
handles.mat=zeros(10,8);% zero matrix
Here the push button function:
sc = [d, l, hs1, hs2, bs1, bs2, phi1, phi2];
mat(cnt,1:8)=sc; % here i want to write the vektor into the zero matrix
handles.cnt=cnt ; %increment the counter
what could be the problem?
Smiljan 2012 年 6 月 7 日
now it works :)


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