Of course you got an error. Did you write code for what you wanted? No.
This is what you wrote:
M =[A, B; B, C]
But what you claim to want to compute is:
M =[A, B; B', C]
There is a difference.
Hello, I need to combine the following matrixes like this:
A=eye(5, 5); -> (size 5*5)
B=randi([-1 1],5 ,4); -> (size (5*4)
C=repmat(3,4,4); -> (size 4*4)
But when I typed M =[A, B; B, C] I got an error. How do I combine them?
Of course you got an error. Did you write code for what you wanted? No.
This is what you wrote:
M =[A, B; B, C]
But what you claim to want to compute is:
M =[A, B; B', C]
There is a difference.
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