
How to save multiple Matlab figures in separate folders?

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
nancy 2018 年 4 月 4 日
コメント済み: nancy 2018 年 4 月 13 日
I want to save each of multiple figures in separate folders.. What is the command that I can use?
For example: file1.fig will be saved in A folder, file2.fig will be saved in B folder.
How can I do this?
Thanks a lot..

回答 (1 件)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2018 年 4 月 4 日
編集済み: Fangjun Jiang 2018 年 4 月 4 日
use fullfile() to specify the full path of the file and saveas().
  3 件のコメント
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2018 年 4 月 4 日
nancy 2018 年 4 月 13 日
Thank you very much..
How can I add this code to my Matlab code?
Because; I study on double Y-axis as you can see below. I mean that what can I write instead of "File" ?
figure;[haxes,hline1,hline2] = plotyy(dat_s,M1K1_norm,dat_s,T); set(haxes(1),'XLim',[0 DATA],'LineWidth',1.5); set(haxes(2),'XLim',[0 DATA]); set(haxes(1),'YLim',[0 1.3], 'FontSize', 16); set(haxes(1),'YTick',[0:0.13:1.3]); set(haxes(2),'YLim',[-60 90], 'FontSize', 16); set(haxes(2),'YTick',[-60:15:90]) set(hline1,'Color','r','LineWidth',3); set(hline2,'Color','y','LineWidth',3); set(haxes, 'FontSize',15,'LineWidth',2)
hold on;
[haxes,hline1,hline2] = plotyy(dat_s,M1K2_norm,dat_s,T); set(haxes(1),'XLim',[0 DATA]); set(haxes(2),'XLim',[0 DATA]); set(haxes(1),'YLim',[0 1.3], 'FontSize', 16); set(haxes(1),'YTick',[0:0.13:1.3],'Ycolor', 'k'); set(haxes(2),'YLim',[-60 90], 'FontSize', 16); set(haxes(2),'YTick',[-60:15:90], 'Ycolor', 'k'); set(hline1,'Color','b','LineWidth',3); set(hline2,'Color','k','LineWidth',3); ylabel('Normalize Güç'); ylabel(haxes(2),'Sicaklik (C)'); title('test');xlabel('A'); set(haxes, 'FontSize',15,'LineWidth',2) legend('test'); grid



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