
variables values not updating in workspace

9 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
giacomo 2017 年 11 月 22 日
編集済み: giacomo 2017 年 11 月 22 日
Hi everyone. I've been working on a code and just lately realized this weird behaviour from the script. I was always measuring a diameter of a cropped image using imshow and ginput(2), today I changed to imtool, and I noticed that using imtool was actually changing the values of 'diameter' variable, while when using imshow it wasn't. Same thing happens with the cropped image ('Crop') size!
For example, if I run my code twice using imshow and ginput(2) I get:
  1. First run: cropped image dimensions -> [200 100 3] and diameter -> 24
  2. Second run: cropped image dimensions (this time with very different size on purpose) -> [200 100 3] and diameter (again different) -> 24
Later on I launch a GUI 'guiprova' in the script and while the updated results from 'guiprova' are stored in a m.mat file, their values are updated just when I run the script another time, so all the code after launching the GUI interface becomes inconsistent!
For example:
  • Run the code, go to GUI interface and get the variables values -> variables values are stored before ending the GUI interface and are those from the previous code run
How can I solve these two problems? I know they are distinct but somehow both related to 'updating variable value' problems. I'll attach the code. Thanks!
  4 件のコメント
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017 年 11 月 22 日
What GUI? I see no fig file, just some m-files.
giacomo 2017 年 11 月 22 日
編集済み: giacomo 2017 年 11 月 22 日
Attached that too now.
EDIT: I finally found something that suits my problem.
I'll test it a bit and come back if I have some issues.


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