
applying same function to different image areas

11 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
giacomo 2017 年 10 月 26 日
コメント済み: Adam 2017 年 10 月 27 日
Hi everyone. I uploaded an image, cropped it and divided it into 4 stripes like this:
>> I = imread(fullImageFileName);
[Crop, rect] = imcrop(I);
[r, c, p] = size(Crop);
A = Crop(1:r/4,:,:);
B = Crop(r/4+1:r/2,:,:);
C = Crop(r/2+1:3*r/4,:,:);
D = Crop(3*r/4+1:r,:,:);
And I have a function from SimpleColorDetectionByHue() that is defined here:
>> function [meanHSV, areas, numberOfBlobs] = MeasureBlobs(maskImage, hImage, sImage, vImage)
[labeledImage, numberOfBlobs] = bwlabel(maskImage, 8); % Label each blob so we can make measurements of it
if numberOfBlobs == 0
% Didn't detect any blobs of the specified color in this image.
meanHSV = [0 0 0];
areas = 0;
% Get all the blob properties. Can only pass in originalImage in version R2008a and later.
blobMeasurementsHue = regionprops(labeledImage, hImage, 'area', 'MeanIntensity');
blobMeasurementsSat = regionprops(labeledImage, sImage, 'area', 'MeanIntensity');
blobMeasurementsValue = regionprops(labeledImage, vImage, 'area', 'MeanIntensity');
meanHSV = zeros(numberOfBlobs, 3); % One row for each blob. One column for each color.
meanHSV(:,1) = [blobMeasurementsHue.MeanIntensity]';
meanHSV(:,2) = [blobMeasurementsSat.MeanIntensity]';
meanHSV(:,3) = [blobMeasurementsValue.MeanIntensity]';
% Now assign the areas.
areas = zeros(numberOfBlobs, 3); % One row for each blob. One column for each color.
areas(:,1) = [blobMeasurementsHue.Area]';
areas(:,2) = [blobMeasurementsSat.Area]';
areas(:,3) = [blobMeasurementsValue.Area]';
catch ME
errorMessage = sprintf('Error in function %s() at line %d.\n\nError Message:\n%s', ...
ME.stack(1).name, ME.stack(1).line, ME.message);
fprintf(1, '%s\n', errorMessage);
return; % from MeasureBlobs()
And recalled in the main as here:
>> % Measure the mean HSV and area of all the detected blobs.
[meanHSV, areas, numberOfBlobs] = MeasureBlobs(coloredObjectsMask, hImage, sImage, vImage);
if numberOfBlobs > 0
fprintf(1, '\n----------------------------------------------\n');
fprintf(1, 'Blob #, Area in Pixels, Mean H, Mean S, Mean V\n');
fprintf(1, '----------------------------------------------\n');
for blobNumber = 1 : numberOfBlobs
fprintf(1, '#%5d, %14d, %6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f\n', blobNumber, areas(blobNumber), ...
meanHSV(blobNumber, 1), meanHSV(blobNumber, 2), meanHSV(blobNumber, 3));
I want to repeat this function for the 4 regions of my image and display the 'regional' results, then maybe group the 'total' results in a matrix using a sum. How can I do it? Thanks a lot :)


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017 年 10 月 26 日
Just call it 4 times
[meanHSVA, areasA, numberOfBlobsA] = MeasureBlobs(maskImageA, hImageA, sImageA, vImageA)
[meanHSVB, areasB, numberOfBlobsB] = MeasureBlobs(maskImageB, hImageB, sImageB, vImageB)
[meanHSVC, areasC, numberOfBlobsC] = MeasureBlobs(maskImageC, hImageC, sImageC, vImageC)
[meanHSVD, areasD, numberOfBlobsD] = MeasureBlobs(maskImageD, hImageD, sImageD, vImageD)
  2 件のコメント
giacomo 2017 年 10 月 27 日
Only modifying that part? Where else should I add the letter suffix? I tried to modify the main creating 4 different if loops right after recalling the function but it doesn't work. I also defined all of the variables before calling the 4 functions like this:
>> coloredObjectsMaskA = coloredObjectsMask(1:rows/4,:,:);
coloredObjectsMaskB = coloredObjectsMask(rows/4+1:rows/2,:,:);
coloredObjectsMaskC = coloredObjectsMask(rows/2+1:3*rows/4,:,:);
coloredObjectsMaskD = coloredObjectsMask(3*rows/4+1:rows,:,:);
hImageA = hImage(1:rows/4,:,:);
hImageB = hImage(rows/4+1:rows/2,:,:);
hImageC = hImage(rows/2+1:3*rows/4,:,:);
hImageD = hImage(3*rows/4+1:rows,:,:);
sImageA = sImage(1:rows/4,:,:);
sImageB = sImage(rows/4+1:rows/2,:,:);
sImageC = sImage(rows/2+1:3*rows/4,:,:);
sImageD = sImage(3*rows/4+1:rows,:,:);
vImageA = vImage(1:rows/4,:,:);
vImageB = vImage(rows/4+1:rows/2,:,:);
vImageC = vImage(rows/2+1:3*rows/4,:,:);
vImageD = vImage(3*rows/4+1:rows,:,:);
but it doesn't seem to help. Sorry I know that is basic knowledge but I never done this before.
Adam 2017 年 10 月 27 日
Saying 'it doesn't work' and 'doesn't seem to help' is not much use. Tell us exactly what doesn't work. Do you get an error? Do you get incorrect results? etc etc.


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