
How to create array of linearly spaced values from starting and ending points

398 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I want to create an array (not vector) of linearly space points from a vector of starting and ending points. For example, I want to do the equivalent of,
go = [1;2;3]; %starting point
st = [2;3;4]; %ending points
nGo = length(go); %number of starting points
nPoints = 10; %number of points in each row
for iGo = 1:nGo
A(iGo,:) = linspace(go,st,nPoints); %create array of linearly spaced rows
The problem is that the number of start points in on the order of 10000 and it is part of a fitting routine. So, I need the creation of this matrix to be as efficient as possible using minimal loops. Any suggestions?


Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney 2017 年 10 月 25 日
This method is faster than looping over linspace:
x = linspace(0,1,nPoints);
A2 = go + x.*(st - go);
Here's a timing test for nGo = 10000:
nGo = 10000;
go = randi(100, nGo, 1);
st = go + randi(100, nGo, 1);
nPoints = 10; %number of points in each row
for ii = 1:100
A = nan(nGo, nPoints);
for iGo = 1:nGo
A(iGo,:) = linspace(go(iGo),st(iGo),nPoints); %create array of linearly spaced rows
t(1) = toc;
for ii = 1:100
x = linspace(0,1,nPoints);
A2 = go + x.*(st - go);
t(2) = toc;
fprintf('Method 1: %.4f msec\nMethod 2: %.4f msec\nSpeedup: %.2f x\n', t*10, t(1)/t(2));
On my computer, I get:
Method 1: 9.6675 msec
Method 2: 0.0676 msec
Speedup: 143.07 x
Differences between A and A2 are on order of 1e-16.
  2 件のコメント
Ajay Kumar Sandula
Ajay Kumar Sandula 2020 年 10 月 10 日
This method is giving error
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021 年 7 月 5 日
I am not seeing any error when I execute ?
nGo = 10000;
go = randi(100, nGo, 1);
st = go + randi(100, nGo, 1);
nPoints = 10; %number of points in each row
for ii = 1:100
A = nan(nGo, nPoints);
for iGo = 1:nGo
A(iGo,:) = linspace(go(iGo),st(iGo),nPoints); %create array of linearly spaced rows
t(1) = toc;
for ii = 1:100
x = linspace(0,1,nPoints);
A2 = go + x.*(st - go);
t(2) = toc;
fprintf('Method 1: %.4f msec\nMethod 2: %.4f msec\nSpeedup: %.2f x\n', t*10, t(1)/t(2));
Method 1: 9.8034 msec Method 2: 0.1712 msec Speedup: 57.25 x


その他の回答 (2 件)

Nathan Hardenberg
Nathan Hardenberg 2021 年 7 月 5 日
編集済み: Nathan Hardenberg 2021 年 7 月 5 日
I want to add the same function/functionality for Simulink. Since the given answer does not seem to work with a Simulink Matlab-function I wrote my own code. [The transposing (transpose() or ') in the beginning is nessecary since simulink seems to automatically assume a row vector.]
Since the output vector is of variable size it's important to set the output (y) as variable size an give a maximum size in the Size-field: (See also: https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/654813-how-do-i-resolve-an-error-about-variable-sized-data-in-my-matlab-function-block?s_tid=srchtitle)
Variable names corresponding to post:
go -> start | st -> goal | nPoints -> steps
See Comments for a slightly better Version!!!! Click Here
function y = vec_linspace(start, goal, steps)
start = start';
goal = goal';
x = linspace(0,1,steps);
% difference = (goal - start);
% multip = difference'*x;
% onesvec = ones(1, steps);
% startvec = start' * onesvec;
% y = startvec + multip;
y = start' * ones(1, steps) + (goal - start)'*x;
  2 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021 年 7 月 5 日
Could you confirm that you really want to transpose the original start, and then that you want to transpose again when you use it in calculating y ? Wouldn't you get the same result if you did
function y = vec_linspace(start, goal, steps)
x = linspace(0,1,steps);
% difference = (goal - start);
% multip = difference'*x;
% onesvec = ones(1, steps);
% startvec = start' * onesvec;
% y = startvec + multip;
y = start * ones(1, steps) + (goal - start)*x;
Nathan Hardenberg
Nathan Hardenberg 2021 年 7 月 5 日
Hmm, seems you are right! Your version works as well and is also better (less calculations). While debugging I had a lot of issues with matrix multiplications not working, so i probably did unnecessary transposes.


Ashaq Shah
Ashaq Shah 2022 年 1 月 8 日
編集済み: Ashaq Shah 2022 年 1 月 8 日
vector = [startpoint:step:endpoint]


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