
Why does bsxfun produce different result than brute force mean?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
KAE 2017 年 10 月 23 日
コメント済み: KAE 2017 年 10 月 23 日
I would like to apply a 2D mask to a 3D matrix, then average the non-masked values. In the example below, the mean is calculated in two ways, (a) with bsxfun and (b) in a loop which sums values and divides by the count. The results aren't the same, though. Can you spot my error, which I suspect is in approach (b)?
nRow = 200; nCol = 100; nChannel = 10;
bigMatrix = rand(nRow, nCol, nChannel); % 3D matrix of values that we want to mask
mask = ones(nRow, nCol); % Make a 2D mask
mask(1:25, 26:50) = NaN; % Mask set to NaN where values should be excluded
%%(a) Use bsxfun to substitute NaNs for masked values in bigMatrix
% Since mask values are either NaN or 1, can mask by multiplying
maskedByMult = bsxfun(@times, bigMatrix, cast(mask, 'like', bigMatrix));
% Average the non-nan values
meanByBsxfun = squeeze(mean(mean(maskedByMult, 'omitnan'), 'omitnan'));
%%(b) Mask by loop
nGoodValues = 0; % Count of unmasked values used in later calculation of their mean
sumValues = zeros(nChannel, 1); % Sums will be added to this
for iRow = 1:length(nRow)
for iCol = 1:length(nCol)
if isfinite(mask(iRow, iCol)) % Check if this x,y location is masked out
nGoodValues = nGoodValues + 1;
sumValues = sumValues + squeeze(bigMatrix(iRow, iCol, :));
meanByLoop = sumValues/nGoodValues; % Get the mean
%%Show they differ
figure('Name', 'Compare two ways of getting the mean');
plot(1:10, meanByBsxfun); hold on;
plot(1:10, meanByLoop, '--');
legend('Using bsxfun', 'Using a loop');


David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2017 年 10 月 23 日
編集済み: David Goodmanson 2017 年 10 月 23 日
Hello KAE,
I believe that each method has a small problem. In the second method, since length(nRrow) = length(nCol) = 1, the for loops only execute one time. So you need
for iRow = 1:nRow % etc.
In the first method, denote maskedbyMult by A, and let N = the number of elements that are not nan, which in this case is 200*100 - 625. Then
mean(mean(A),'omitnan') is not equal to sum(sum(A),'omitnan')/N which is what you want.
for example,
a = magic(3);
a(1,2) = nan
a =
8 NaN 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
ans = 5.6667
ans = 5.5000
After those changes both methods agree, and both agree with
bigMatMask = repmat(mask,1,1,10).*bigMatrix;
mean3 = squeeze(sum(sum(bigMatMask,2,'omitnan'),1)/(200*100-625))
% if you have a newer version of Matlab with explicit expansion,
% the first line can be bigMatMask = mask.*bigMatrix;
  3 件のコメント
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2017 年 10 月 23 日
nice to see the code comparison.
mean(mean( )) of course does work out in lots of cases such as rectangular matrices without any nans.
By the way I meant to say implicit expansion, not explicit expansion.
KAE 2017 年 10 月 23 日
If someone wants to do another operation besides mean on a masked matrix, here is an example using median,
% Reshape matrix into [spatial dimension x channel]
temp = reshape(maskedByMult, [nRow*nCol nChannel]);
medianByBsxfun = median(temp, 'omitnan');


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