Use regexp in Matlab to return the value of a variable from a text file
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I am reading a text file into Matlab called 'test.txt' which is structured as follows:
$variable1 = answer1;
$variable2 = answer2;
$variable3 = answer3;
I read the text file into Matlab line by line using the following segment of code:
fid = fopen('test.txt.');
tline = fgetl(fid);
tracks = {};
while ischar(tline)
tracks{end+1} = regexp(tline, '(?<=^.*\=\s*)(.*)(?=\s*;$)', 'match', 'once');
tline = fgetl(fid);
This piece of code returns the value of each variable line by line and would output:
What I want to do is modify my regexp expression so that I can specify the name of the variable to retrieve and have Matlab output the value assigned to the variable specified.
E.g. If I specify in my code to find the value of $variable2, Matlab would return:
1 件のコメント
Oleg Komarov
2012 年 4 月 16 日
Post few lines of your real text file and tell what you want to retrieve. Your regular expression doesn't make sense to me.
回答 (4 件)
Walter Roberson
2012 年 4 月 17 日
var2find = 'variable2';
tracks{end+1} = regexp(tline, ['(?<=^\$' var2find '\s*=\s*)([^ ;]*)(?=\s*;+\s*$)'], 'match', 'once');
Note: this assumes that the values do not contain embedded blanks or semi-colons, but does not assume that the value is present. For example,
$variable2 = ;
would be treated as an empty response.
I have also tweaked the syntax accepted so that multiple semi-colons are accepted in case of typos:
$variable2 = 345;;
However, the expression would have trouble with
$variable2 = 345; ;
If you want that to be acceptable you need to say whether the value should be '345;' or '345'.
I did not have difficulty reading the original regex, but I had to make guesses about what you wanted to have happen in case of extra semi-colons.
0 件のコメント
Ken Atwell
2012 年 4 月 17 日
I cannot really follow your regular expression, but the following should help you get started:
text = ['$variable1 = answer1;', ...
'$variable2 = answer2;', ...
'$variable3 = answer3;'];
varToFind = '\$variable2\W+=\W+(.*?);';
found = regexp(text, [varToFind], 'tokens' );
0 件のコメント
Andreas Justin
2013 年 12 月 11 日
Since it's unanswered, and no answer is accepted. this one using java.util.Properties(), which propably is a nice way to get variable by names.
so this is for future search results.
fid = fopen(fullfile('D:\','test1.txt'),'w');
txt = {'#Variables','a = 1','b = false','c = true','d = nope','e = 1e6'};
txt = regexprep(txt,'(.*)','$1\n');
txt = [txt{:}];
clear fid
%%getting startet
path = fullfile('D:\test1.txt');
fr =;
javaProp = java.util.Properties();
%%get one specific
%%get all in arrays
c = javaProp.entrySet.toArray
for ii = 1:numel(c)
keys{ii} = c(ii).getKey;
vals{ii} = c(ii).getValue;
0 件のコメント
2013 年 12 月 11 日
Maybe there is no need for a regexp. Read in the file, separate all lines at "=" and find the desired variable in the left hand part:
% read in file
fid = fopen('test.txt');
FC = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
FC = FC{1};
% find '=' to split lines
ind = (strfind(FC, '='));
% split in left and right hand part
lhp = strtrim(cellfun(@(x,y) x(1:y-1), FC, ind, 'un', 0));
rhp = strtrim(cellfun(@(x,y) x(y+1:end), FC, ind, 'un', 0));
% search for string in left hand part (handles even substrings)
tf = ~cellfun('isempty', strfind(lhp, 'able1'));
% show match
0 件のコメント
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