FRDM -KL25Z simulink build error
5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hey I'm using MATLAB R2015a. I've downloaded the "Embedded Coder Support Package for Freescale FRDM-KL25Z Board". I'm trying to get an LED to light up but I get an error when I try to send to the board
### Generating code into build folder: C:\Users\Paul Sib\Documents\MATLAB\NXP_LED_ert_rtw
### Invoking Target Language Compiler on NXP_LED.rtw
### Using System Target File: C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2015a\rtw\c\ert\ert.tlc
### Loading TLC function libraries
### Initial pass through model to cache user defined code
### Caching model source code
### Writing header file NXP_LED.h
### Writing header file NXP_LED_types.h
### Writing header file rtwtypes.h
### Writing header file rt_nonfinite.h
### Writing source file rt_nonfinite.c
### Writing header file rtGetInf.h
### Writing source file rtGetInf.c
### Writing header file rtGetNaN.h
### Writing source file rtGetNaN.c
### Writing source file NXP_LED.c
### Writing header file NXP_LED_private.h
### Writing source file NXP_LED_data.c
### Writing source file ert_main.c
### TLC code generation complete.
### Creating project marker file: rtw_proj.tmw
### Evaluating PostCodeGenCommand specified in the model
### Writing source file arm_cortex_m_multitasking.c
### Using toolchain: GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors v4.8 | gmake (32-bit Windows)
### Creating 'C:\Users\Paul Sib\Documents\MATLAB\NXP_LED_ert_rtw\' ...
### Using toolchain: GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors v4.8 | gmake (32-bit Windows)
### Creating 'C:\Users\Paul Sib\Documents\MATLAB\NXP_LED_ert_rtw\' ...
### Building 'NXP_LED': C:\PROGRA~2\MATLAB\R2015a\bin\win32\gmake -f all
C:\Users\Paul Sib\Documents\MATLAB\NXP_LED_ert_rtw>cd .
C:\Users\Paul Sib\Documents\MATLAB\NXP_LED_ert_rtw>if "" == "" (C:\PROGRA~2\MATLAB\R2015a\bin\win32\gmake -f all ) else (C:\PROGRA~2\MATLAB\R2015a\bin\win32\gmake -f )
arm-none-eabi-gcc -std=c99 -MD -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -c -O0 -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb -fno-exceptions -fno-common -fmessage-length=0 -DMODEL=NXP_LED -DNUMST=1 -DNCSTATES=0 -DHAVESTDIO -DONESTEPFCN=1 -DTERMFCN=1 -DMAT_FILE=0 -DMULTI_INSTANCE_CODE=0 -DINTEGER_CODE=0 -DMT=0 -DCLASSIC_INTERFACE=0 -DALLOCATIONFCN=0 -DTID01EQ=0 -D__MW_TARGET_USE_HARDWARE_RESOURCES_H__ -DNULL=0 -DEXIT_FAILURE=1 -DEXTMODE_DISABLEPRINTF -DEXTMODE_DISABLETESTING -DEXTMODE_DISABLE_ARGS_PROCESSING=1 -DTARGET_KL25Z -DTARGET_M0P -DTARGET_Freescale -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC -D__CORTEX_M0PLUS -DARM_MATH_CM0PLUS -DRT -DSTACK_SIZE=64 -DONESTEPFCN=1 -DTERMFCN=1 -DMAT_FILE=0 -DMULTI_INSTANCE_CODE=0 -DINTEGER_CODE=0 -DMT=0 -DCLASSIC_INTERFACE=0 -DALLOCATIONFCN=0 -DTID01EQ=0 -DNULL=0 -DEXIT_FAILURE=1 -DEXTMODE_DISABLEPRINTF -DEXTMODE_DISABLETESTING -DEXTMODE_DISABLE_ARGS_PROCESSING=1 -DTARGET_KL25Z -DTARGET_M0P -DTARGET_Freescale -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC -D__CORTEX_M0PLUS -DARM_MATH_CM0PLUS -DRT -DSTACK_SIZE=64 -DMODEL=NXP_LED -DNUMST=1 -DNCSTATES=0 -DHAVESTDIO -IC:/Users/PAULSI~1/DOCUME~1/MATLAB/NXP_LED_ert_rtw -IC:/Users/PAULSI~1/DOCUME~1/MATLAB -IC:/PROGRA~2/MATLAB/R2015a/extern/include -IC:/PROGRA~2/MATLAB/R2015a/simulink/include -IC:/PROGRA~2/MATLAB/R2015a/rtw/c/src -IC:/PROGRA~2/MATLAB/R2015a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:/PROGRA~2/MATLAB/R2015a/rtw/c/ert -IC:/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2015a/mbed-8e73be2a2ac1 -IC:/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2015a/mbed-8e73be2a2ac1/TARGET_KL25Z -IC:/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2015a/freedomboard/toolbox/target/supportpackages/freedomboard/@slCustomizer/../include -IC:/PROGRA~2/MATLAB/R2015a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/serial -IC:/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2015a/armcortexm/toolbox/target/supportpackages/arm_cortex_m/scheduler/include -o "NXP_LED.o" "C:/Users/PAULSI~1/DOCUME~1/MATLAB/NXP_LED_ert_rtw/NXP_LED.c"
In file included from C:/Users/PAULSI~1/DOCUME~1/MATLAB/NXP_LED_ert_rtw/NXP_LED.h:31:0,
from C:/Users/PAULSI~1/DOCUME~1/MATLAB/NXP_LED_ert_rtw/NXP_LED.c:20:
C:/Users/PAULSI~1/DOCUME~1/MATLAB/NXP_LED_ert_rtw/MW_target_hardware_resources.h:7:21: fatal error: MKL25Z4.h: No such file or directory
#include "MKL25Z4.h"
compilation terminated.
gmake: *** [NXP_LED.o] Error 1
C:\Users\Paul Sib\Documents\MATLAB\NXP_LED_ert_rtw>echo The make command returned an error of 2
The make command returned an error of 2
C:\Users\Paul Sib\Documents\MATLAB\NXP_LED_ert_rtw>An_error_occurred_during_the_call_to_make
'An_error_occurred_during_the_call_to_make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Thanks in advance.
1 件のコメント
2018 年 10 月 4 日
Hi Paul Sibrell, have you managed to run this freescale RGB led FRDM-KL25Z on windows 10? I'm having the same problem reported by you. Can you help? Grateful for the attention!
James Kristoff
2017 年 1 月 31 日
編集済み: James Kristoff
2017 年 1 月 31 日
The compiler trying to include the file MKL25Z4.h, but it cannot find it. This could mean that the mbed library was not installed properly or is not being recognized by the support package for some reason. The simplest solution would be to reinstall/update the support package.
info = matlabshared.supportpkg.checkForUpdate
- If an update is available, or you want to reinstall the support package:
- open the Support Package Installer :
Follow the on-screen instructions.
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