this code on site diversity attached is not runing plse help
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
2016 年 9 月 23 日
コメント済み: Walter Roberson
2016 年 9 月 24 日
frmLen = 100; % frame length
numPackets = 1000; % number of packets
EbNo = 0:2:20; % Eb/No varying to 20 Db
N = 2; % maximum number of Tx antennas
M = 2; % maximum number of Rx antennas
% Create omm..BPSKModulator and omm..BPSKDemodulator System objects
P = 2; % modulation order
hMod = comm.BPSKModulator;
hDemod = comm.BPSKDemodulator('OutputDataType','double');
% Create comm.OSTBCEncoder and omm..OSTBCCombiner System objects
hAlamoutiEnc = comm.OSTBCEncoder;
hAlamoutiDec = comm.OSTBCCombiner;
% Create two omm..AWGNChannel System objects for one and two receive
% antennas respectively. Set the NoiseMethod property of the channel to
% ‘Signal to noise ratio (Eb/No)’ to specify the noise level using the
% energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/No). The output
% of the BPSK modulator generates unit power signals; set the SignalPower
% property to 1 Watt.
Hawgn1Rx = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod', 'Signal to noise ratio (Eb/No)',...
'SignalPower', 1);
Hawgn2Rx = clone(Hawgn1Rx);
% Create omm..ErrorRate calculator System objects to evaluate BER.
HErrorCalc1 = comm.ErrorRate;
hErrorCalc2 = comm.ErrorRate;
hErrorCalc3 = comm.ErrorRate;
% Since the omm..AWGNChannel System objects as well as the RANDI function
% use the default random stream, the following commands are executed so
% that the results will be repeatable, i.e., same results will be obtained
% for every run of the example. The default stream will be restored at the
% end of the example.
S = RandStream.create('mt19937ar', 'seed',55408);
prevStream = RandStream.setGlobalStream(s);
% Pre-allocate variables for speed
H = zeros(frmLen, N, M);
ber_noDiver = zeros(3,length(EbNo));
ber_Alamouti = zeros(3,length(EbNo));
ber_MaxRatio = zeros(3,length(EbNo));
ber_thy2 = zeros(1,length(EbNo));
% Set up a figure for visualizing BER results
h = gcf;
grid on;
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.Yscale = 'log';
xlim([EbNo(1), EbNo(end)]);
ylim([1e-4 1]);
xlabel('Eb/No (Db)');
h.NumberTitle = 'off';
h.Renderer = 'zbuffer';
h.Name = 'Transmit vs. Receive Diversity';
title('Transmit vs. Receive Diversity');
% Loop over several EbNo points
for idx = 1:length(EbNo)
% Set the EbNo property of the AWGNChannel System objects
Hawgn1Rx.EbNo = EbNo(idx);
Hawgn2Rx.EbNo = EbNo(idx);
% Loop over the number of packets
for packetIdx = 1:numPackets
% Generate data vector per frame
data = randi([0 P-1], frmLen, 1);
% Modulate data
modData = step(hMod, data);
% Alamouti Space-Time Block Encoder
encData = step(hAlamoutiEnc, modData);
% Create the Rayleigh distributed channel response matrix
% for two transmit and two receive antennas
H(1:N:end, :,:) = (randn(frmLen/2, N, M) + ...
1i*randn(frmLen/2, N, M))/sqrt(2);
% assume held constant for 2 symbol periods
H(2:N:end, :, :) = H(1:N:end, :, :);
% Extract part of H to represent the 1x1, 2x1 and 1x2 channels
H11 = H(:,1,1);
H21 = H(:,:,1)/sqrt(2);
H12 = squeeze(H(:,1,:));
% Pass through the channels
chanOut11 = H11 .* modData;
chanOut21 = sum(H21.* encData, 2);
chanOut12 = H12 .* repmat(modData, 1, 2);
% Add AWGN
rxSig11 = step(Hawgn1Rx, chanOut11);
rxSig21 = step(Hawgn1Rx, chanOut21);
rxSig12 = step(Hawgn2Rx, chanOut12);
% Alamouti Space-Time Block Combiner
decData = step(hAlamoutiDec, rxSig21, H21);
% ML Detector (minimum Euclidean distance)
demod11 = step(hDemod, rxSig11.*conj(H11));
demod21 = step(hDemod, decData);
demod12 = step(hDemod, sum(rxSig12.*conj(H12), 2));
% Calculate and update BER for current EbNo value
% for uncoded 1x1 system
ber_noDiver(:,idx) = step(hErrorCalc1, data, demod11);
% for Alamouti coded 2x1 system
ber_Alamouti(:,idx) = step(hErrorCalc2, data, demod21);
% for Maximal-ratio combined 1x2 system
ber_MaxRatio(:,idx) = step(hErrorCalc3, data, demod12);
end % end of FOR loop for numPackets
% Calculate theoretical second-order diversity BER for current EbNo
ber_thy2(idx) = berfading(EbNo(idx), 'psk', 2, 2);
% Plot results
semilogy(EbNo(1:idx), ber_noDiver(1,1:idx), 'r*', ...
EbNo(1:idx), ber_Alamouti(1,1:idx), 'go',...
EbNo(1:idx), ber_MaxRatio(1,1:idx), 'bs',...
EbNo(1:idx), ber_thy2(1:idx), 'm');
legend('No Diversity (1Tx, 1Rx)', 'Alamouti (2Tx, 1Rx)',...
'Maximal-Ratio Combining (1Tx, 2Rx)', ...
'Theoretical 2nd-Order Diversity');
end % end of for loop for EbNo
% Perform curve fitting and replot the results
fitBER11 = berfit(EbNo, ber_noDiver(1,:));
fitBER21 = berfit(EbNo, ber_Alamouti(1,:));
fitBER12 = berfit(EbNo, ber_MaxRatio(1,:));
semilogy(EbNo, fitBER11, 'r', EbNo, fitBER21, 'g', EbNo, fitBER12, 'b');
hold off;
% Restore default stream
Star Strider
2016 年 9 月 24 日
You can use the mod and rem functions with vector arguments, but the vectors have to both have the same number of elements (be the same lengths).
This example works:
n = 10:15;
d = 2: 7;
q1 = mod(n,d);
q2 = rem(n,d);
6 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2016 年 9 月 24 日
CHRISTOPHER NWAOGU: Please post your amended code so other people can test it.
Walter Roberson
2016 年 9 月 24 日
The line
Hawgn1Rx = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod', 'Signal to noise ratio (Eb/No)',...
'SignalPower', 1);
works for me in R2016a. Which MATLAB version are you using?
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