Check out any of the posts on Cleve's Corner, for examplethis one. As with all blogs on MATLAB Central it is supposedly published from a MATLAB script using the built-in html publishing feature. But when I try to publish a script with LaTeX equations it looks nothing like this! Inline math is never aligned with the text, and display math is not centered. And all math is low-res images and looks rather bad. Are there some settings that I am missing, possibly undocumented, or is the blogs' html perhaps post-processed by professional tools? More generally, is there anything I can do to make math look better in published scripts?
The description of the FEX contributionRelativistic rocket by Mikhail contains the paragraph: "See published html help for more information. The html help uses MathJax javascript to display formulas if you are connected to Internet. Otherwise, it falls back to pre-generated PNG images."
Thanks for your experiment and for the tip about MathJax! Good idea to post the question directly to Cleve - I'll do that and link his answer back here.