How to find all possible combination of a digits between first and last digits?
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have points as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The point 1 is the first point, and 5 the last point.
I need to find all possible combination of the possible points between 1 and 5.
I need a result like this:
1 5
1 2 5
1 3 5
1 4 5
1 2 3 5
1 3 2 5
1 2 4 5
1 4 2 5
1 3 4 5
1 4 3 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 3 2 4 5
Could anyone help me? Thank you!
0 件のコメント
John BG
2016 年 7 月 18 日
編集済み: John BG
2016 年 7 月 18 日
would you please be so kind to switch your accepted answer of this question to my answer.
Following the answer to your question, the support function combinator is appended at the end of this answer,.
N=5 % N>3
nL=length(L) % amount of elements to permute
cs={} % combinations subset: result stored here
for k=1:1:nL
amount_combs=factorial(nL)/factorial(nL-k) % how many combinations for each round
nC=combinator(nL,k,'p') % calculating indices permutations
if (k==1)
B=[ones(amount_combs,1) L(nC)' N*ones(amount_combs,1)];
B=[ones(amount_combs,1) L(nC) N*ones(amount_combs,1)];
for s=1:1:amount_combs
the result is stored in cell cs
If you find this answer of any help solving your question,
please mark it as accepted answer.
To any other reader, if you find it of any help please click on the thumbs-up vote link,
thanks in advance
additional comments: 1.- reading cells
ans =
1.00 2.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 3.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 4.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 3.00 2.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 4.00 2.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 2.00 4.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 4.00 3.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
1.00 4.00 3.00 2.00
Column 5
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
1.00 4.00 2.00 3.00
Column 5
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
1.00 3.00 4.00 2.00
Column 5
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
1.00 3.00 2.00 4.00
Column 5
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Column 5
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
1.00 2.00 4.00 3.00
Column 5
to pull the answers one by one
ans =
1.00 4.00 5.00
or bundled
ans =
1.00 3.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 4.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 3.00 2.00 5.00
ans =
1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00
2.- support function combinator.m available from the Mathworks file exchange:
function [A] = combinator(N,K,s1,s2)
%COMBINATOR Perform basic permutation and combination samplings.
% COMBINATOR will return one of 4 different samplings on the set 1:N,
% taken K at a time. These samplings are given as follows:
% COMBINATOR(N,K,'p','r') -- N >= 1, K >= 0
% COMBINATOR(N,K,'p') -- N >= 1, N >= K >= 0
% COMBINATOR(N,K,'c','r') -- N >= 1, K >= 0
% COMBINATOR(N,K,'c') -- N >= 1, N >= K >= 0
% Example:
% To see the subset relationships, do this:
% combinator(4,2,'p','r') % Permutations with repetition
% combinator(4,2,'p') % Permutations without repetition
% combinator(4,2,'c','r') % Combinations with repetition
% combinator(4,2,'c') % Combinations without repetition
% If it is desired to use a set other than 1:N, simply use the output from
% COMBINATOR as an index into the set of interest. For example:
% MySet = ['a' 'b' 'c' 'd'];
% MySetperms = combinator(length(MySet),3,'p','r'); % Take 3 at a time.
% MySetperms = MySet(MySetperms)
% Class support for input N:
% float: double, single
% integers: int8,int16,int32
% Notes:
% All of these algorithms have the potential to create VERY large outputs.
% In each subfunction there is an anonymous function which can be used to
% calculate the number of row which will appear in the output. If a rather
% large output is expected, consider using an integer class to conserve
% memory. For example:
% M = combinator(int8(30),3,'p','r'); % NOT uint8(30)
% will take up 1/8 the memory as passing the 30 as a double. See the note
% below on using the MEX-File.
% To make your own code easier to read, the fourth argument can be any
% string. If the string begins with an 'r' (or 'R'), the function
% will be called with the replacement/repetition algorithm. If not, the
% string will be ignored.
% For instance, you could use: 'No replacement', or 'Repetition allowed'
% If only two inputs are used, the function will assume 'p','r'.
% The third argument must begin with either a 'p' or a 'c' but can be any
% string beyond that.
% The permutations with repetitions algorithm uses cumsum. So does the
% combinations without repetition algorithm for the special case of K=2.
% Unfortunately, MATLAB does not allow cumsum to work with integer classes.
% Thus a subfunction has been placed at the end for the case when these
% classes are passed. The subfunction will automatically pass the
% necessary matrix to the built-in cumsum when a single or double is used.
% When an integer class is used, the subfunction first looks to see if the
% accompanying MEX-File (cumsumall.cpp) has been compiled. If not,
% then a MATLAB For loop is used to perform the cumsumming. This is
% VERY slow! Therefore it is recommended to compile the MEX-File when
% using integer classes.
% The MEX-File was tested by the author using the Borland 5.5 C++ compiler.
% See also, perms, nchoosek, npermutek (on the FEX)
% Author: Matt Fig
% Contact:
% Date: 5/30/2009
% Reference:
ng = nargin;
if ng == 2
s1 = 'p';
s2 = 'r';
elseif ng == 3
s2 = 'n';
elseif ng ~= 4
error('Only 2, 3 or 4 inputs are allowed. See help.')
if isempty(N) || K == 0
A = [];
elseif numel(N)~=1 || N<=0 || ~isreal(N) || floor(N) ~= N
error('N should be one real, positive integer. See help.')
elseif numel(K)~=1 || K<0 || ~isreal(K) || floor(K) ~= K
error('K should be one real non-negative integer. See help.')
STR = lower(s1(1)); % We are only interested in the first letter.
if ~strcmpi(s2(1),'r')
STR = [STR,'n'];
STR = [STR,'r'];
switch STR
case 'pr'
A = perms_rep(N,K); % strings
case 'pn'
A = perms_no_rep(N,K); % permutations
case 'cr'
A = combs_rep(N,K); % multichoose
case 'cn'
A = combs_no_rep(N,K); % choose
error('Unknown option passed. See help')
rethrow(lasterror) % Throw error from here, not subfunction.
% The only error thrown should be K>N for non-replacement calls.
function PR = perms_rep(N,K)
% This is (basically) the same as npermutek found on the FEX. It is the
% fastest way to calculate these (in MATLAB) that I know.
% pr = @(N,K) N^K; Number of rows.
% A speed comparison could be made with COMBN.m, found on the FEX. This
% is an excellent code which uses ndgrid. COMBN is written by Jos.
% % All timings represent the best of 4 consecutive runs.
% % All timings shown in subfunction notes used this configuration:
% % 2007a 64-bit, Intel Xeon, win xp 64, 16 GB RAM
% tic,Tc = combinator(single(9),7,'p','r');toc
% %Elapsed time is 0.199397 seconds. Allow Ctrl+T+C+R on block
% tic,Tj = combn(single(1:9),7);toc
% %Elapsed time is 0.934780 seconds.
% isequal(Tc,Tj) % Yes
if N==1
PR = ones(1,K,class(N));
elseif K==1
PR = (1:N).';
CN = class(N);
M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing.
L = M^K; % This is the number of rows the outputs will have.
PR = zeros(L,K,CN); % Preallocation.
D = ones(1,N-1,CN); % Use this for cumsumming later.
LD = M-1; % See comment on N.
VL = [-(N-1) D].'; % These values will be put into PR.
% Now start building the matrix.
TMP = VL(:,ones(L/M,1,CN)); % Instead of repmatting.
PR(:,K) = TMP(:); % We don't need to do two these in loop.
PR(1:M^(K-1):L,1) = VL; % The first column is the simplest.
% Here we have to build the cols of PR the rest of the way.
for ii = K-1:-1:2
ROWS = 1:M^(ii-1):L; % Indices into the rows for this col.
TMP = VL(:,ones(length(ROWS)/(LD+1),1,CN)); % Match dimension.
PR(ROWS,K-ii+1) = TMP(:); % Build it up, insert values.
PR(1,:) = 1; % For proper cumsumming.
PR = cumsum2(PR); % This is the time hog.
function PN = perms_no_rep(N,K)
% Subfunction: permutations without replacement.
% Uses the algorithm in combs_no_rep as a basis, then permutes each row.
% pn = @(N,K) prod(1:N)/(prod(1:(N-K))); Number of rows.
if N==K
PN = perms_loop(N); % Call helper function.
% [id,id] = sort(PN(:,1)); %#ok Not nec., uncomment for nice order.
% PN = PN(id,:); % Return values.
elseif K==1
PN = (1:N).'; % Easy case.
if K>N % Since there is no replacement, this cannot happen.
error(['When no repetitions are allowed, '...
'K must be less than or equal to N'])
M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing.
WV = 1:K; % Working vector.
lim = K; % Sets the limit for working index.
inc = 1; % Controls which element of WV is being worked on.
BC = prod(M-K+1:M); % Pre-allocation of return arg.
BC1 = BC / ( prod(1:K)); % Number of comb blocks.
PN = zeros(round(BC),K,class(N));
L = prod(1:K) ; % To get the size of the blocks.
cnt = 1+L;
P = perms_loop(K); % Only need to use this once.
PN(1:(1+L-1),:) = WV(P); % The first row.
for ii = 2:(BC1 - 1);
if logical((inc+lim)-N) % The logical is nec. for class single(?)
stp = inc; % This is where the for loop below stops.
flg = 0; % Used for resetting inc.
stp = 1;
flg = 1;
for jj = 1:stp
WV(K + jj - inc) = lim + jj; % Faster than a vector assignment!
PN(cnt:(cnt+L-1),:) = WV(P); % Assign block.
cnt = cnt + L; % Increment base index.
inc = inc*flg + 1; % Increment the counter.
lim = WV(K - inc + 1 ); % lim for next run.
V = (N-K+1):N; % Final vector.
PN(cnt:(cnt+L-1),:) = V(P); % Fill final block.
% The sorting below is NOT necessary. If you prefer this nice
% order, the next two lines can be un-commented.
% [id,id] = sort(PN(:,1)); %#ok This is not necessary!
% PN = PN(id,:); % Return values.
function P = perms_loop(N)
% Helper function to perms_no_rep. This is basically the same as the
% MATLAB function perms. It has been un-recursed for a runtime of around
% half the recursive version found in perms.m For example:
% tic,Tp = perms(1:9);toc
% %Elapsed time is 0.222111 seconds. Allow Ctrl+T+C+R on block
% tic,Tc = combinator(9,9,'p');toc
% %Elapsed time is 0.143219 seconds.
% isequal(Tc,Tp) % Yes
M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing.
P = 1; % Initializer.
G = cumprod(1:(M-1)); % Holds the sizes of P.
CN = class(N);
for n = 2:M
q = P;
m = G(n-1);
P = zeros(n*m,n,CN);
P(1:m, 1) = n;
P(1:m, 2:n) = q;
a = m + 1;
for ii = n-1:-1:1,
t = q;
t(t == ii) = n;
b = a + m - 1;
P(a:b, 1) = ii;
P(a:b, 2:n) = t;
a = b + 1;
function CR = combs_rep(N,K)
% Subfunction multichoose: combinations with replacement.
% cr = @(N,K) prod((N):(N+K-1))/(prod(1:K)); Number of rows.
M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing.
WV = ones(1,K,class(N)); % This is the working vector.
mch = prod((M:(M+K-1)) ./ (1:K)); % Pre-allocation.
CR = ones(round(mch),K,class(N));
for ii = 2:mch
if WV(K) == N
cnt = K-1; % Work backwards in WV.
while WV(cnt) == N
cnt = cnt-1; % Work backwards in WV.
WV(cnt:K) = WV(cnt) + 1; % Fill forward.
WV(K) = WV(K)+1; % Keep working in this group.
CR(ii,:) = WV;
function CN = combs_no_rep(N,K)
% Subfunction choose: combinations w/o replacement.
% cn = @(N,K) prod(N-K+1:N)/(prod(1:K)); Number of rows.
% Same output as the MATLAB function nchoosek(1:N,K), but often faster for
% larger N.
% For example:
% tic,Tn = nchoosek(1:17,8);toc
% %Elapsed time is 0.430216 seconds. Allow Ctrl+T+C+R on block
% tic,Tc = combinator(17,8,'c');toc
% %Elapsed time is 0.024438 seconds.
% isequal(Tc,Tn) % Yes
if K>N
error(['When no repetitions are allowed, '...
'K must be less than or equal to N'])
M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing.
if K == 1
CN =(1:N).'; % These are simple cases.
elseif K == N
CN = (1:N);
elseif K==2 && N>2 % This is an easy case to do quickly.
BC = (M-1)*M / 2;
id1 = cumsum2((M-1):-1:2)+1;
CN = zeros(BC,2,class(N));
CN(:,2) = 1;
CN(1,:) = [1 2];
CN(id1,1) = 1;
CN(id1,2) = -((N-3):-1:0);
CN = cumsum2(CN);
WV = 1:K; % Working vector.
lim = K; % Sets the limit for working index.
inc = 1; % Controls which element of WV is being worked on.
BC = prod(M-K+1:M) / (prod(1:K)); % Pre-allocation.
CN = zeros(round(BC),K,class(N));
CN(1,:) = WV; % The first row.
for ii = 2:(BC - 1);
if logical((inc+lim)-N) % The logical is nec. for class single(?)
stp = inc; % This is where the for loop below stops.
flg = 0; % Used for resetting inc.
stp = 1;
flg = 1;
for jj = 1:stp
WV(K + jj - inc) = lim + jj; % Faster than a vector assignment.
CN(ii,:) = WV; % Make assignment.
inc = inc*flg + 1; % Increment the counter.
lim = WV(K - inc + 1 ); % lim for next run.
CN(ii+1,:) = (N-K+1):N;
function A = cumsum2(A)
%CUMSUM2, works with integer classes.
% Duplicates the action of cumsum, but for integer classes.
% If Matlab ever allows cumsum to work for integer classes, we can remove
% this.
if isfloat(A)
A = cumsum(A); % For single and double, use built-in.
A = cumsumall(A); % User has the MEX-File ready?
warning('Cumsumming by loop. MEX cumsumall.cpp for speed.') %#ok
for ii = 2:size(A,1)
A(ii,:) = A(ii,:) + A(ii-1,:); % User likes it slow.
0 件のコメント
その他の回答 (2 件)
Image Analyst
2016 年 7 月 16 日
Recall that I did help you, and you even accepted it (thank you). Here's the link:
2 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2016 年 7 月 18 日
Beibit Sautbek comments
Your code that you gave me is good, but I need the result also like [1 5], [1 2 5]. your code gives me just this result: 1 4 3 2 5 1 4 2 3 5 1 3 4 2 5 1 3 2 4 5 1 2 4 3 5 1 2 3 4 5
Image Analyst
2016 年 7 月 18 日
It sounded like homework, so I left a little bit for you to do. I did most of it, can't you figure out the last part?
Stalin Samuel
2016 年 7 月 16 日
This is not the exact answer.But surely this will give you a idea
for i=2:5
[r1 c]=find(am(:,end)==5);
[r c]=find(am(r1,1)==1);
0 件のコメント
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