Sort Excel files by file content?
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi all, my new challenge with matlab involves filtering files with very inconsistent names. For example,
s =
The files that I want are the first six files, which have different styles of naming even though they are the same type of files (TTT). While the last two files are undesired and need to be filter out indicated by keywords such as "Potato" and "Bacon".
My goal is to Extract files that contains the keywords "TTT" while eliminate files that have keywords "Potato" and "Bacon", this is not ideal since there are in fact hundreds of these files in my folders outside of this simple example that are constantly updating and I will need to look through them all for other potential unwanted keywords such as "Sour Cream", etc.
My ideal goal will be to extract those TTT files by its content, since all the TTT excel files have a sheet named "cooking is fun" inside while all the other ones do not. Is this feasible and is there a best way to do so?
Thank you so much for reading my concern and any inputs will be greatly appreciated!
5 件のコメント
2016 年 7 月 6 日
編集済み: Guillaume
2016 年 7 月 13 日
You could certainly inspect the content of the excel files to see if there's the worksheet you want. However, since it involves opening and closing every file, it's not going to be particularly fast. It's up to you whether that's important or not:
function hassheet = CheckExcelFilesForWorksheet(folder, filelist, sheetname)
%HASSHEET Check whether or not the given excel files have a sheet with the given name
%folder: folder where the excel files are located (1D char array / string)
%filelist: names of excel files (cell array of 1D char arrays / string array)
%sheetname: name of sheet to find in excel files (1D char array / string)
%hassheet: array the same size as filelist, indicating whether or not the excel file has a sheet with sheetname (logical)
hassheet = false(size(filelist)); %output
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); %start microsoft excel
cleanupobj = onCleanup(@() excel.Quit); %close excel when function returns or error occurs
for fileidx = 1:numel(filelist)
%open without updating link and as read only. read only ensure the file can be opened even if it's already in use:
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(fullfile(folder, filelist{fileidx}), false, true);
%get the list of worksheet name by iterating over the Sheets collection:
sheetnames = arrayfun(@(i) workbook.Sheets.Item(i).Name, 1:workbook.Sheets.Count, 'UniformOutput', false);
if ismember(sheetname, sheetnames)
hassheet(fileidx) = true;
edited 13/07/2016: fixed bugs: forgot to close the workbooks, typos
6 件のコメント
2016 年 7 月 7 日
This is a bug of your own. There's no numfiles in my original code. For reference, my original code for that line and the following was:
for fileidx = 1:numel(filelist)
%open without updating link and as read only. read only ensure the file can be opened even if it's already in use:
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(fullfile(folder, filelist{fileidx}), false, true);
その他の回答 (1 件)
Azzi Abdelmalek
2016 年 7 月 6 日
編集済み: Azzi Abdelmalek
2016 年 7 月 6 日
3 件のコメント
2016 年 7 月 6 日
Certainly not! More likely, you'd get a syntax error. I'd recommend you learn the regular expression language (note that this is not a language specific to matlab).
If you want to replace Bacon or Potato, this regex would work:
regexprep(a, '\S+(?:Bacon|Potato)\S+', '')
However, this has nothing to do with the original question: "Sort Excel files by file content?"
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