Finding data off excel sheet
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
In the excel sheet attached, the data is 3 different sensors 0,1 and 2(1st column), their voltage(2nd column) and time of the reading(3rd column). I'm struggling to find a way to seperate the full data set into one set of voltage readings and time readings for each sensor. This is what I have
A = xlsread('forcetest.csv');
idx1 = find(A == 0)
I used xlsread just because I think it is easier. I know I have to used the find function, this code I have so far just finds what rows are the censor 0, how to I get it to give me all those rows with the given voltage and time data? Do I have to use a for-loop?
7 件のコメント
Image Analyst
2016 年 7 月 13 日
Well like I said in my answer it wouldn't have worked anyway since it finds 0's anywhere, not just in column 1.
Image Analyst
2016 年 7 月 5 日
Try this:
A = xlsread('forcetest.csv');
% Extract column 1 which has the sensor IDs.
col1 = A(:, 1);
% Find which rows have value 0, meaning this row is for sensor #0.
sensor0Rows = find(col1 == 0);
% Extract only those rows for sensor #0.
array0 = A(sensor0Rows, :);
% Get voltage and time separately, in case that's wanted.
voltages = A(sensor0Rows, 2); % From column 2
times = A(sensor0Rows, 3); % From column 3
Note that find(A==0) won't work since it finds 0's anywhere, not just in column 1. So if you had a 1 or 2 in column 1 but a 0 in column 2, then it would pick out this row even though it shouldn't.
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