Robot simulation of RRR robot

6 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Cheng Yoong
Cheng Yoong 2011 年 3 月 8 日
コメント済み: Sabrine Ouhichi 2021 年 2 月 15 日 Anyone can tell me how to this simulation? I think it is in the field of mechatronics student. I just want to know how to plot the 3 links robot, the tracing part is not an important issue.


Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta 2011 年 3 月 11 日
Crude code for a 3 link RRR robot given DH params:
h = plot3(0,0,0);p = get(h,'Parent');xlim(p,'manual');
xlim(p,[0 2]);ylim(p,'manual');ylim(p,[0 2]);zlim(p,'manual');
zlim(p,[0 2]);axis vis3d;grid on;
point1.x =0;point1.y = 0;point1.z = 0;
point2.x = 0;point2.y = 0;point2.z = 1;
point3.x = 0;point3.y = 0;point3.z = 1;
point4.x = 2;point4.y = 0;point4.z = 1;
l= line([point1.x, point2.x],[point1.y,point2.y],[point1.z,point2.z],'Color','r','LineWidth',4);
l1 = line([point2.x, point3.x],[point2.y,point3.y],[point2.z,point3.z],'Color','b','LineWidth',4);
l2 = line([point3.x, point4.x],[point3.y,point4.y],[point3.z,point4.z],'Color','g','LineWidth',4);
theta2 = 30;
theta3 =0;
for theta1 =70:-1:0
[point2,point3,point4] = fromDHandTheta(theta1,theta1,theta1); %(each individual theta)
hold on;
function [point2,point3,point4] = fromDHandTheta(theta1,theta2,theta3)
% D-H Params:
% N Theta Alpha dN rN
% 1 theta1 alpha1 0 0
% 2 theta2 alpha2 1 0
% 3 theta3 alpha3 1 0
s1 = [0;0;0]; % from dN and rN
s2 = [1;0;0];
s3 = [1;0;0];
alpha1 = 90;
alpha2 = 0;
alpha3 = 0;
pointa = returnUfromTheta(theta1)*returnVfromAlpha(alpha1)*s1 + [0;0;1]; % [0;0;1] is orig position
pointb = returnUfromTheta(theta1)*returnVfromAlpha(alpha1)*returnUfromTheta(theta2)*returnVfromAlpha(alpha2)*s2 + pointa;
pointc = returnUfromTheta(theta1)*returnVfromAlpha(alpha1)*returnUfromTheta(theta2)*returnVfromAlpha(alpha2)*...
returnUfromTheta(theta3)*returnVfromAlpha(alpha3)*s3 + pointb;
point2.x = pointa(1); point2.y = pointa(2); point2.z = pointa(3);
point3.x = pointb(1); point3.y = pointb(2); point3.z = pointb(3);
point4.x = pointc(1); point4.y = pointc(2); point4.z = pointc(3);
function U = returnUfromTheta(theta)
U = [ cosd(theta), -sind(theta), 0;...
sind(theta), cosd(theta), 0 ;...
0, 0, 1];
function V = returnVfromAlpha(alpha)
V = [ 1, 0 ,0;...
0, cosd(alpha), -sind(alpha);...
0, sind(alpha), cosd(alpha)];
  3 件のコメント
Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta 2011 年 3 月 14 日
plot3(0,0,0) was just to open a emtyp 3d plot. The 'Parent' and 'manula' are various properties relating to handle graphics.
I get the axis handle using the Parent property. The property 'manual' just refers to setting up of the axis limits. 'manual' ensures that the x axis limit will remain fixed and not auto adjust.
Cheng Yoong
Cheng Yoong 2011 年 4 月 3 日
[point2,point3,point4] = fromDHandTheta(theta1,theta1,theta1);
I don't have to define the DHandTheta this parameter?
What is the purpose for returnUfromTheta and other return'something'from'something'?


その他の回答 (2 件)

Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta 2011 年 3 月 8 日
There are numerous ways to plot the 3 links. A simple way would be to use the line function. Assuming you always know the end positions of your links. A crude simple example(2 links):
h = plot3(0,0,0);
p = get(h,'Parent');
xlim(p,[0 2]);
ylim(p,[0 2]);
zlim(p,[0 2]);
axis vis3d;
grid on;
point1.x =0;
point1.y = 0;
point1.z = 0;
point2.x = 1;
point2.y = 1;
point2.z = 1;
point3.x = 1.5;
point3.y = 1;
point3.z = 1.2;
l= line([point1.x, point2.x],[point1.y,point2.y],[point1.z,point2.z],'Color','r','LineWidth',4);
l1 = line([point2.x, point3.x],[point2.y,point3.y],[point2.z,point3.z],'Color','b','LineWidth',4);
for i =0.1:0.1:1
  6 件のコメント
Abraham Serrano
Abraham Serrano 2017 年 4 月 18 日
Hello! I´m trying to do this but with a 4R manipulator, right know I have the D-H parameters and the FK equations. I know this thread is 6 years old but I hope anyone can help me. What do I have to do to add another joint and link? I don´t know anything about matlab. Thanks in advance.
Sabrine Ouhichi
Sabrine Ouhichi 2021 年 2 月 15 日
I have the same problem do you solve it


reyam ahmed
reyam ahmed 2017 年 11 月 11 日
i want to plot 2-link robot manipulator using dynamic equation , can you help me?


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