I have created 2D geometry with combining one rectangle and one triangle with code to solve a problem in matlab pdetoolbox
topLayer = [3 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 1.5 1.5];
TriLayer = [2 3 1 1.5 0.5 0.7 1.5 1.5 0 0];
gdm = [topLayer;TriLayer]';
[d1,bt] = decsg(gdm,'R1+R4',['R1';'R4']');
pdegplot(d1,"EdgeLabels","on", "FaceLabels","on")
now after running above code it shows 2 face with all edge labels, but my concerned is to show only F2 edgelabels, i.e., only triangle facelabels how to do that.
the reason to know this answer is because; after solving complete problem in matlab pde toolbox we get 2D solution plot using pdeplot function; now let say pressure distribution; now on that plot using "hold on", I want to highlight/plot the triangle (F2) edges as to see how the pressure distribution in F2 compared to F1.
i think i am clear with my problem; please let me know anything required