Problem with ctrbf() and its answer
7 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi guys. I have this state-space system and I want to seprate the controllable and uncontrollable parts of this system hence I used ctrbf() my problem is the output doesn't define what is the Ac(Controllable part) and what is the Auc(Uncontrollable part) is..I have tried this code with the k but the problem is Ac and Bc controllablity matrix is not full rank this shows I didn't find Ac and Bc correctly.
%% Staircase controllability form by using ctrbf()
A=[-2 0 0;0 -2 0;0 0 4];
B=[0 0;0 1;1 0];
C = eye(size(A)); %Dummy C matrix :)
[A_bar, B_bar,C_bar,T,k] = ctrbf(A,B,C);
%Extract controllable and uncontrollable subspaces
nc = sum(k);
A_c = A_bar(1:nc, 1:nc); %Controllable part of A
B_c = B_bar(1:nc, :); %Controllable input
A_u = A_bar(nc+1:end, nc+1:end); %Uncontrollable part of A
disp("The controllable part of A is: ")
disp("The uncontrollable part of A is: ")
disp("The controllable B is: ")
Co_staircase = ctrb(A_c, B_c);
if rank(Co_staircase) == rank(A_c)
disp("The controllable sepration was correct")
disp("The controllable sepration is not correct")
Anyone can help me to correctly find A_c, A_u and B_c??
8 件のコメント
2024 年 12 月 8 日
My answer is based on the documentation of "cbrtf". If you think the answer from "cbrtf" is incorrect, you should contact MATLAB support. I have no background knowledge in control theory to answer this.
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