embedding inset plots in subplots matlab

21 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
University 2024 年 9 月 28 日
回答済み: Image Analyst 2024 年 9 月 29 日
Hi, I am trying to plots an insets plots in aubplots but only the last subplot and inset plots are shown. Please can someone help with this?
load my_data
% Define xi_select and slope_select for main and inset plots
xi_select = [1, 10, 11, 12];
slope_select = [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9];
% Create a tiled layout with 2 rows and 3 columns of subplots
t = tiledlayout(2, 3, 'TileSpacing', 'compact', 'Padding', 'compact');
% Define custom colors (green to red gradient)
num_colors = length(xi_select);
custom_colors = [linspace(0, 1, num_colors)', linspace(1, 0, num_colors)', zeros(num_colors, 1)];
custom_linestyles = repmat({'--'}, 1, num_colors); % All dashed lines
% Initialize arrays for legend
legend_labels = {}; % Cell array to store legend labels
legend_index = 0; % Initialize legend index
plot_handles = []; % Array for storing plot handles
for j = 1:length(slope_select) % Loop through selected ramp_slope
% Create the main subplot
ax = nexttile; % Move to the next tile for each subplot
hold(ax, 'on'); % Hold on to plot multiple lines in the same subplot
% Loop through selected xi values for the main plots
for i = 1:length(xi_select)
% Find the switching times for the current xi and ramp_slope
transitions = find(switching(:, xi_select(i), slope_select(j)));
if ~isempty(transitions)
% Plot the uxlt data at the switching times for this xi and ramp_slope
for t_idx = transitions
% Extract the uxlt data for the current time point
uxlt_data = squeeze(uxlt(ym, :, xi_select(i), slope_select(j))); % Dimension: y, xi, ramp_slope
% Proper LaTeX syntax for the legend entry, omitting time
display_name = sprintf('$\\xi=%.2f$', xi(xi_select(i)));
% Plot the data with specified color and linestyle
h = plot(ax, tarray, uxlt_data, 'LineWidth', 1.5, ...
'Color', custom_colors(i, :), 'LineStyle', custom_linestyles{i});
% Only add the label and handle once to the legend
if ~ismember(display_name, legend_labels)
legend_index = legend_index + 1;
plot_handles(legend_index) = h(1); % Store only the first handle
legend_labels{legend_index} = display_name; % Append label
% Add labels and title to each subplot
xlabel(ax, 'Time (s)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel(ax, '$\int u_L \, \mathrm{dz}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
xlim(ax, [min(tarray), max(tarray)]);
ylim(ax, [0, 2.5e-04]);
% Add subplot numbering and S_{rf} value
title(ax, sprintf('(%c) $S_{rf} = %.2f$', 'a' + j - 1, ramp_slope(slope_select(j))), 'Interpreter', 'latex');
box(ax, 'on'); % Place a box around the current subplot
% Add inset plots
inset_pos = ax.Position; % Get the position of the current subplot
if j == 1
% The first inset plot on the top left of the first subplot
inset_pos = [inset_pos(1) + 0.1 * inset_pos(3), inset_pos(2) + 0.65 * inset_pos(4), 0.15, 0.15];
% Remaining inset plots on the top right of the respective subplots
inset_pos = [inset_pos(1) + 0.6 * inset_pos(3), inset_pos(2) + 0.65 * inset_pos(4), 0.15, 0.15];
% Create new axes for inset plots, without attaching them to the main subplot axes
inset_ax = axes('Position', inset_pos); % Create inset axes with adjusted position
hold(inset_ax, 'on'); % Hold on inset axes to plot multiple lines
% Loop through selected xi values for the inset plots
for i = 1:length(xi_select)
% Find the switching times for the current xi and ramp_slope
transitions = find(switching(:, xi_select(i), slope_select(j)));
if ~isempty(transitions)
% Plot the uxl data in the inset plot
for t_idx = transitions
% Extract the uxl data for the current time point
uxl_data = squeeze(uxl(:, xi_select(i), slope_select(j))); % Dimension: y, xi, ramp_slope
% Plot the data in the inset with color and linestyle
plot(inset_ax, y, uxl_data, 'LineWidth', 1.5, ...
'Color', custom_colors(i, :), 'LineStyle', custom_linestyles{i});
% Add labels to inset
xlabel(inset_ax, '$z$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel(inset_ax, '$\int u_L \, \mathrm{dz}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
xlim(inset_ax, [min(y), max(y)]);
hold(inset_ax, 'off'); % Release hold on the inset axes
Unrecognized function or variable 'ym'.
% Create a global legend (optional, if needed)
lgd = legend(plot_handles, legend_labels, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'NumColumns', 2);
% Ensure that the entire figure has a box around it
box on;
  4 件のコメント
Voss 2024 年 9 月 28 日
Thanks. Looks like ym is still missing (and possibly other variables).
University 2024 年 9 月 28 日
sorry, ym=16



Voss 2024 年 9 月 28 日
Supplying the tiledlayout t to nexttile (i.e., specifying nexttile(t)) seems to fix the problem.
load my_data
ym = 16;
% Define xi_select and slope_select for main and inset plots
xi_select = [1, 10, 11, 12];
slope_select = [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9];
% Create a tiled layout with 2 rows and 3 columns of subplots
t = tiledlayout(2, 3, 'TileSpacing', 'compact', 'Padding', 'compact');
% Define custom colors (green to red gradient)
num_colors = length(xi_select);
custom_colors = [linspace(0, 1, num_colors)', linspace(1, 0, num_colors)', zeros(num_colors, 1)];
custom_linestyles = repmat({'--'}, 1, num_colors); % All dashed lines
% Initialize arrays for legend
legend_labels = {}; % Cell array to store legend labels
legend_index = 0; % Initialize legend index
plot_handles = []; % Array for storing plot handles
for j = 1:length(slope_select) % Loop through selected ramp_slope
% Create the main subplot
ax = nexttile(t); % Move to the next tile for each subplot
hold(ax, 'on'); % Hold on to plot multiple lines in the same subplot
% Loop through selected xi values for the main plots
for i = 1:length(xi_select)
% Find the switching times for the current xi and ramp_slope
transitions = find(switching(:, xi_select(i), slope_select(j)));
if ~isempty(transitions)
% Plot the uxlt data at the switching times for this xi and ramp_slope
for t_idx = transitions
% Extract the uxlt data for the current time point
uxlt_data = squeeze(uxlt(ym, :, xi_select(i), slope_select(j))); % Dimension: y, xi, ramp_slope
% Proper LaTeX syntax for the legend entry, omitting time
display_name = sprintf('$\\xi=%.2f$', xi(xi_select(i)));
% Plot the data with specified color and linestyle
h = plot(ax, tarray, uxlt_data, 'LineWidth', 1.5, ...
'Color', custom_colors(i, :), 'LineStyle', custom_linestyles{i});
% Only add the label and handle once to the legend
if ~ismember(display_name, legend_labels)
legend_index = legend_index + 1;
plot_handles(legend_index) = h(1); % Store only the first handle
legend_labels{legend_index} = display_name; % Append label
% Add labels and title to each subplot
xlabel(ax, 'Time (s)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel(ax, '$\int u_L \, \mathrm{dz}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
xlim(ax, [min(tarray), max(tarray)]);
ylim(ax, [0, 2.5e-04]);
% Add subplot numbering and S_{rf} value
title(ax, sprintf('(%c) $S_{rf} = %.2f$', 'a' + j - 1, ramp_slope(slope_select(j))), 'Interpreter', 'latex');
box(ax, 'on'); % Place a box around the current subplot
% Add inset plots
inset_pos = ax.Position; % Get the position of the current subplot
if j == 1
% The first inset plot on the top left of the first subplot
inset_pos = [inset_pos(1) + 0.1 * inset_pos(3), inset_pos(2) + 0.65 * inset_pos(4), 0.15, 0.15];
% Remaining inset plots on the top right of the respective subplots
inset_pos = [inset_pos(1) + 0.6 * inset_pos(3), inset_pos(2) + 0.65 * inset_pos(4), 0.15, 0.15];
% Create new axes for inset plots, without attaching them to the main subplot axes
inset_ax = axes('Position', inset_pos); % Create inset axes with adjusted position
hold(inset_ax, 'on'); % Hold on inset axes to plot multiple lines
% Loop through selected xi values for the inset plots
for i = 1:length(xi_select)
% Find the switching times for the current xi and ramp_slope
transitions = find(switching(:, xi_select(i), slope_select(j)));
if ~isempty(transitions)
% Plot the uxl data in the inset plot
for t_idx = transitions
% Extract the uxl data for the current time point
uxl_data = squeeze(uxl(:, xi_select(i), slope_select(j))); % Dimension: y, xi, ramp_slope
% Plot the data in the inset with color and linestyle
plot(inset_ax, y, uxl_data, 'LineWidth', 1.5, ...
'Color', custom_colors(i, :), 'LineStyle', custom_linestyles{i});
% Add labels to inset
xlabel(inset_ax, '$z$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel(inset_ax, '$\int u_L \, \mathrm{dz}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
xlim(inset_ax, [min(y), max(y)]);
hold(inset_ax, 'off'); % Release hold on the inset axes
% Create a global legend (optional, if needed)
lgd = legend(plot_handles, legend_labels, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'NumColumns', 2);
% Ensure that the entire figure has a box around it
box on;
  2 件のコメント
University 2024 年 9 月 28 日
Thank you for your help.
Voss 2024 年 9 月 28 日
You're welcome!


その他の回答 (1 件)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2024 年 9 月 29 日
For what it's worth (may help someone in the future) I'm attaching my demos for inserting inset plots and images inside other plots and images.


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