I have tried to open this example from my end and found a way to modify the variables,
Here are the steps that I have followed,
>> openExample('vdynblks/DoubleLaneChangeReferenceApplicationExample')
this command opens the project in the MATLAB, you can refer to the below image,
From the above screenshot you can see that, the project has scripts and system, under system we have the simulink model and its related sldd files.
- open DLCReferenceApplication.sldd file (from project)
- open slx file (from project)
- You can see the simulink model blocks under DLCReferenceApplication.
- The variables used are form Model Workspace, hence goto Model Workspace and goto VEH, since the TrackWidth is under structure VEH
- select the value column and select open variable editor, which whill open a window as shown in the below image,
- Here, you can edit the value and save the model Workspace.
- now you can see in the model that the value got updated,
- Like wise you can update the variable values.
You can refer to the below documentation link for information on simulink data dictionary,
Hope this helps!