How do I plot 14th and 86th percentile?
9 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Here I am currently running Bayesian time varying model in matlab and this is my whole code. I am not sure how can I create 14th and 86th percentile of my posterior distribution/credible interval that I have found using gibbs sampling and carter kohn algorithm. Furthermore, how do I plot the 14th and 86th percentile along with my mean posterior distribution in one graph?
% Load data from Excel file
Cyclicalitydata = readtable("Could be final data set.xlsx");
Countrydata = Cyclicalitydata(strcmp(Cyclicalitydata.Country, 'Netherlands'), :);
% Prepare variables
Fiscalvariable = Countrydata.CAPB1; % Dependent variable, original series
LaggedFiscalvariable = [NaN; Fiscalvariable(1:end-1)]; % Creating one-period lag
Economicactivity = Countrydata.Outputgap; % Independent main variable
Govsize = Countrydata.Govsize; % Control variable 1
Debtp = Countrydata.DebtGDP; % Control variable 2
CPIlevel = Countrydata.CPIlevel; % Additional control variable 3
Years = Countrydata.Year; % Year for plotting and analysis
CPIgrowth = [NaN; CPIlevel(1:end-1)];
% Define the state-space model components
T = numel(LaggedFiscalvariable); % Number of observations, using the lagged variable now
C = [Economicactivity, Govsize, Debtp, CPIgrowth]; % Each row of C corresponds to an observation time
N = size(C,2);
A = eye(N); % Assuming independent evolution of each coefficient
Q = 0.01 * eye(N); % Small variance to assume minor changes over time
R = 1; % Observation noise variance
% Calculate OLS estimates for initialization
validIdx = ~isnan(LaggedFiscalvariable) & ~any(isnan(C), 2);
C_valid = C(validIdx, :);
Y_valid = LaggedFiscalvariable(validIdx);
beta_OLS = (C_valid' * C_valid) \ (C_valid' * Y_valid);
residuals = Y_valid - C_valid * beta_OLS;
sigma2_OLS = residuals' * residuals / (length(Y_valid) - size(C_valid, 2));
% Initialize beta_0 and V_0 with OLS estimates
beta_0 = beta_OLS; % Use OLS estimates as initial states
V_0 = sigma2_OLS * eye(N); % Scale identity matrix by OLS residual variance
% Number of Gibbs sampling iterations
numIterations = 1000;
beta_samples = zeros(N, T, numIterations); % Store samples of all beta coefficients
% Gibbs Sampling Loop
for iter = 1:numIterations
% Run the Carter-Kohn algorithm for the current iteration
[beta_t, ~] = carterKohn(LaggedFiscalvariable, A, C, Q, R, beta_0, V_0, T);
% Store the sample
beta_samples(:, :, iter) = beta_t;
% Post-processing after Gibbs sampling
% Focus on the OutputGap coefficient's estimates and its posterior distribution
burn_in = 100;
posterior_beta_outputgap = squeeze(mean(beta_samples(1, :, burn_in:end), 3));
% Plot only the OutputGap coefficient estimates over years
plot(Years, posterior_beta_outputgap, 'LineWidth', 2);
title('Posterior Estimates of OutputGap Coefficient over Years for the Netherlands');
ylabel('Coefficient for OutputGap');
function [beta_t, V_t] = carterKohn(Y, A, C, Q, R, beta_0, V_0, T)
n = size(A, 1); % Number of coefficients
beta_t = zeros(n, T);
V_t = zeros(n, n, T);
beta_pred = beta_0;
V_pred = V_0;
for t = 1:T
if isnan(Y(t))
continue; % Skip iterations where Y is NaN
% Observation update
C_t = C(t, :); % Current row of C
y_pred = C_t * beta_pred;
S = C_t * V_pred * C_t' + R;
K = V_pred * C_t' / S;
beta_t(:, t) = beta_pred + K * (Y(t) - y_pred);
V_t(:, :, t) = (eye(n) - K * C_t) * V_pred;
% Time update
if t < T
beta_pred = A * beta_t(:, t);
V_pred = A * V_t(:, :, t) * A' + Q;
0 件のコメント
回答 (1 件)
Star Strider
2024 年 5 月 8 日
2 件のコメント
Star Strider
2024 年 5 月 8 日
I cannot demonstrate it on your data because they are missing.
An example would be —
v = rand(1,20)
vp = prctile(v, [14 86])
plot([1;1].*v, [1;1].*ones(size(v)), 'sb')
With a 20-element vector, there should be 2.8 elements below the 14th percentile line, and 2.8 elements above the 86th percentile line. The plotted percentiles are acceptably close, and will be increasingly more accurate as the number of elements increases. Note that ‘v’ does not have to be sorted first.
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