
Pdepe solver be run in loop for designing a control scheme.

4 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
maria atiq
maria atiq 2024 年 1 月 30 日
コメント済み: Torsten 2024 年 2 月 14 日
Hi, i am designing a control scheme for a thermal system defined by a 2nd order pde. I used pdepe solver to get the solution but driven by input voltage. But in-order-to design a control scehme i need to run the pdepe solver in iterations .please guide.
  35 件のコメント
maria atiq
maria atiq 2024 年 2 月 13 日
The control part i have tested on a simple thermal equation and it works fine.
clc;clear;close all
T_desired = 180; % desired output, or reference point
alpha = 3.927*10^-3;
Kp = 1; % proportional term Kp
Ki = 0.5; % Integral term Ki
Kd = 0.01; % derivative term Kd
dt = 0.01; % sampling time
Time = 10; % total simulation time in seconds
n = round(Time/dt); % number of samples
% pre-assign all the arrays to optimize simulation time
Prop(1:n+1) = 0; Der(1:n+1) = 0; Int(1:n+1) = 0; I(1:n+1) = 0;
PID(1:n+1) = 0;
Temp(1:n+1) = 0;
Output(1:n+1) = 0;
Error(1:n+1) = 0;
state1(1:n+1) = 0; STATE1(1:n+1) = 0;
state2(1:n+1) = 0; STATE2(1:n+1) = 0;
for i = 1:n
Error(i+1) = T_desired - Temp(i); % error entering the PID controller
Prop(i+1) = Error(i+1);% error of proportional term
Der(i+1) = (Error(i+1) - Error(i))/dt; % derivative of the error
Int(i+1) = (Error(i+1) + Error(i))*dt/2; % integration of the error
I(i+1) = sum(Int); % the sum of the integration of the error
PID(i+1) = Kp*Prop(i) + Ki*I(i+1)+ Kd*Der(i); % the three PID terms
STATE1(i+1) = sum(PID); % sum PID term to calculate the first integration
Output(i+1) = (STATE1(i+1) + STATE1(i))*dt/2; % output after the first integrator
Temp(i+1) = ((Output(i+1).^2)/R)*(1-alpha*(Temp(i)-Tref));
% plot results
T = 0:dt:Time;
Reference = T_desired*ones(1,i+1);
xlabel('Time (sec)')
Torsten 2024 年 2 月 14 日
Maybe you know why the control does not converge.
k = 20;
Times = linspace(0,0.25,k+1);
dt = 0.25/k;
T_desired = 300.0; % desired output, or reference point
Kp = 1; % proportional term Kp
Ki = 0.5005; % Integral term Ki
Kd = 0.001; % derivative term Kd
% pre-assign all the arrays to optimize simulation time
Prop(1:k+1) = 0; Der(1:k+1) = 0; Int(1:k+1) = 0; I(1:k+1) = 0;
PID(1:k+1) = 0;
Temp_avg(1:k+1) = 0;
Temp_avg(1) = 293.15;
voltage (1:k+1) = 0;
Error(1:k+1) = 0;
Error(1) = T_desired - 293.15;
state1(1:k+1) = 0; STATE1(1:k+1) = 0;
state2(1:k+1) = 0; STATE2(1:k+1) = 0;
ic = @(x) incondfull1(x);
m = 1;
%Times = linspace(0,Time,k+1);
for i=1:k
eqn = @(x,t,T,dTdx) heateqfull1(x,t,T,dTdx,C);
sol = pdepe(m,eqn,ic,@boundarycondfull1,x,[Times(i),(Times(i)+Times(i+1))/2,Times(i+1)]);
Temp_avg(i+1) = 2/(x(110)^2-x(10)^2)*trapz(x(10:110),sol(end,10:110,1).*x(10:110));
Error(i+1)= T_desired - Temp_avg(i+1);
Prop(i+1) = Error(i+1);% error of proportional term
Der(i+1) = (Error(i+1) - Error(i))/dt; % derivative of the error
Int(i+1) = (Error(i+1) + Error(i))*dt/2; % integration of the error
I(i+1) = sum(Int); % the sum of the integration of the error
PID(i+1) = Kp*Prop(i) + Ki*I(i+1)+ Kd*Der(i); % the three PID terms
%% You can replace the follwoing five lines with your system/hardware/model
STATE1(i+1) = sum(PID); % sum PID term to calculate the first integration
state2(i+1) = (STATE1(i+1) + STATE1(i))*dt/2; % output after the first integrator
STATE2(i+1) = sum(state2); % sum output of first integrator to calculate the second integration
voltage(i+1) = (STATE2(i+1) + STATE2(i))*dt/2;
Reference = T_desired*ones(1,numel(Times));
xlabel('Time (sec)')
function [c,f,s] = heateqfull1(x,t,T,dTdx,C)
%%---------- universal parametrs -------------
tm= 1.7; % thickness of membrane in micrometer
th= 0.3; % thickness of heater in micrometer
rh= 55; % radius of heater in micrometer
rm= 589; % radius of membrane in micrometer
wh= 4; % width of heater in micrometer
r1= 55; % radius of region 1 in micrometer
r2= 59; % radius of region 2 in micrometer
r3= 589; % radius of region 3 in micrometers
k= 1.61*10^-5; % effective thermal conductivity of Si3N4 and SiO2 in W/µmK
ka= 2.623 * 10^-8; % thermal conductivity of air in W/µmK
kw= 0.598 * 10^-6; % thermal conductivity of air in W/µmK
hc= 2*10^-10; % effective heat trasnfer co-efficent in W/µm2K
rho= 2.76*10^-12; % denisty of membrane g/um3
shc= 0.68812; % specific heat capacity of membrane in J/(g*K)
Ta= 293.15; % room temperature in K
kpt= 2.95*10^-5; % effective thermal conductivity of platinum in W/µmK
%%__ resistance of heater depending upon thickness and resistivity ___
rrho= 0.105; % resistivity of platinum in ohm um ; 1.05*10*-7 ohm m 2014 paper
St=1; %2013
Sc=1; %2013
Wc=24; % extrernal wide width contact (nc-ext *wti=12*2=24 )2013
Sj=20; % length of external wide width contact (ns-ext *wti=10*2=20)2013
Sa=6; % 2015 paper supporting documnet as this parameter is not in 2013 paper
Lc=503; % 2015 paper supporting documnet as this parameter is not in 2013 paper
th=0.3; % thickness of heater in um from 2015 paper
alpha = 3.927*10^-3; % temperature coefficient of resistivity in 1/K
V =C.V; % voltage for input in Volts
%%-------- specific user defined parameters-----------
ci= (rho*shc)/k;
c = ci;
if x>=0 & x<=55
s=-si *(T-293.15);
f = dTdx;
elseif x>55 & x<=59
s = -(si*(T-293.15))+ [V^2 *(1-(alpha*(T-293.15)))]/sii ;
f = dTdx;
s=-si *(T-293.15);
f = dTdx;
function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = boundarycondfull1(xl,Tl,xr,Tr,t)
pl = 0;
ql = 1;
pr = Tr-293.15 ;
qr = 0;
function T0 = incondfull1(x)
T0 = 293.15;


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