
How can can this code be made more efficient?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Thomas 2023 年 10 月 8 日
コメント済み: Thomas 2023 年 10 月 8 日
% The intial heights, plus gravity and velocity
i_h = 0:0.25:95;
t_h = 0:0.25:105;
g_h = 0:0.25:115;
j_h = 0:0.25:125;
k_h = 0:0.25:135;
l_h = 0:0.25:145;
a_h = 0:0.25:155;
z_h = 0:0.25:165;
x_h = 0:0.25:175;
c_h = 0:0.25:185;
v_h = 0:0.25:195;
g = 9.81;
v = 85;
% Equations: d is distance and distance is relative to the inital height equation present
d_0 = (v*sqrt(2*i_h/g));
d_1 = (v*sqrt(2*t_h/g));
d_2 = (v*sqrt(2*g_h/g));
d_3 = (v*sqrt(2*j_h/g));
d_4 = (v*sqrt(2*k_h/g));
d_5 = (v*sqrt(2*l_h/g));
d_6 = (v*sqrt(2*a_h/g));
d_7 = (v*sqrt(2*z_h/g));
d_8 = (v*sqrt(2*x_h/g));
d_9 = (v*sqrt(2*c_h/g));
d_10 = (v*sqrt(2*v_h/g));
plot(d_0, i_h(end)-i_h)
hold on
plot(d_1, t_h(end)-t_h)
hold on
plot(d_2, g_h(end)-g_h)
hold on
plot(d_3, j_h(end)-j_h)
hold on
plot(d_4, k_h(end)-k_h)
hold on
plot(d_5, l_h(end)-l_h)
hold on
plot(d_6, a_h(end)-a_h)
hold on
plot(d_7, z_h(end)-z_h)
hold on
plot(d_8, x_h(end)-x_h)
hold on
plot(d_9, c_h(end)-c_h)
hold on
plot(d_10, v_h(end)-v_h)
hold off
title 'i_h'
ylabel ('Height (m)')
xlabel ('Distance (m)')
legend('95 metres', '105 Metres', '115 Metres', '125 Metres', '135 Metres', '145 Metres', '155 Metres', '165 Metres', '175 Metres', '185 Metres', '195 Metres')
grid on
  1 件のコメント
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023 年 10 月 8 日
Hi @Thomas,
Your new question is related to coding efficiency. By the way, has the plotting issue from your previous question been technically resolved? Link to the previous question.



Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023 年 10 月 8 日
Instead of dynamically naming variables, use a for loop.
g = 9.81;
v = 85;
%Arrays of values to be used
vec = 95:10:195;
hold on
for k=vec
arr_k = 0:0.25:k;
d_k = v*sqrt(2*arr_k/g);
plot(d_k, arr_k(end)-arr_k)
hold off
grid on
ylabel('Height (m)')
xlabel('Distance (m)')
%Take advantage of the properties of strings to make the legend
legend(vec + " Metres")
  1 件のコメント
Thomas 2023 年 10 月 8 日
Thank you


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