- you can use the system command in MATLAB to call the Simulink diff tool from your compiled application.
- You can also use the uigetfile function to allow the user to select the two files to compare.
Comparing two versions of a data dictionary programmatically
7 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
HI all,
I have some users who either do not have access to Matlab or are not well-versed in its use who need to be able to compare two versions of the same data dictionary. I know there is a diff tool for this when you're in Simulink. I need to able to launch it from a Matlab compiled application and let the user select the two files. The two files would most likely be two different commits in a git repo.
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2023 年 6 月 21 日
Hi John,
Here is a sample code that launches the Simulink diff tool and allows the user to select the two files:
[filename1, pathname1] = uigetfile('*.sldd', 'Select the first file to compare');
if filename1 == 0
[filename2, pathname2] = uigetfile('*.sldd', 'Select the second file to compare');
if filename2 == 0
cmd = sprintf('slddDiff(''%s'', ''%s'')', fullfile(pathname1, filename1), fullfile(pathname2, filename2));
% The slddDiff function takes two input file paths and compares them.
% we use the system command to execute the Simulink diff tool with the constructed command.
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