Speech recognition (Problem reducing isolated word recognition)
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi, i'm currently doing a project that recognize isolated word which is one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine and zero. I download a sample from mathwork and the sample work fine for me although some recognition not that accurate. But the problem occur when i tried to reduce the isolated word to one,two,three,four,five only. I removed everything relevant to six,seven,eight,nine,zero but i received some error code. Can anyone able to tell me what's wrong with the code and error code?
The code is display below
function trainmodels(speech,model)
% This accepts input training speech for each digit, and estimates a
% Gaussian Mixture Model from the training vectors for each digit.
% Accepts input speech of repeated utterances of a single digit. Input
% speech must be sampled at 8000 Hz. For each frame of 160 samples (with
% 80 sample overlap) this function then detects isolated digit utterances
% using the algorithm described in 'speechdetect.m'. For each detected
% word, this function then ...
% 1) Windows each frame of speech with a Hamming window
% 2) Applys a pre-emphasis filter to each frame
% 3) Calculates 13 MFCC, 13 delta MFCC, and 13 delta-delta MFCC
% coefficients for each frame
% 4) Estimates an 8 mixture Gaussian Mixture Model for the 13 dimensional
% training vectors (with diagonal covariance matrix).
% 5) The GMM parameters for each digit are saved to a structure called
% 'model' within a file called 'MODELS.mat'. This .mat file is loaded
% from within 'digitrecgui.m' to perform the classification.
Fs = 8000; % Sampling Frequency
seglength = 160; % Length of frames
overlap = seglength/2; % # of samples to overlap
stepsize = seglength - overlap; % Frame stepsize
nframes = length(speech)/stepsize-1;
std_energy = 0.75; % Energy STD gain factor for Voice Activity (VA)
std_zxings = 0.75; % Zero xing STD gain factor for VA
noiseframes = 50; % # of frames used to estimate background noise
bufferlength = 10; % Min # of non-VA frames to signify a break in
% speech (silence between words)
% Initialise Variables
samp1 = 1; samp2 = seglength; %Initialise frame start and end
energy_thresh_buf = zeros(noiseframes,1);
zxings_thresh_buf = zeros(noiseframes,1);
VAbuff = zeros(bufferlength,1);
VA = 0; % "Voice Activity" flag
DETECT = 0; % "VA indicator" flag
WORD = 0; % "Word has been detected" flag
WORDbuff = zeros(seglength,200);
ALLdata = [];
for i = 1:nframes
% Remove mean from analysis frame
frame = speech(samp1:samp2)-mean(speech(samp1:samp2));
% Calculate energy and zero xings in current frame
% These are used as voice activity indicators
frame_energy = log(sum(frame.*frame)+eps);
frame_zxings = zerocross;
% Simple estimation of low energy threshold and zero crossings
% threshold. (Assumes no speech activity for the first 'noiseframes'
% overlapped frames)
if i < noiseframes
energy_thresh_buf(i) = frame_energy;
zxings_thresh_buf(i) = frame_zxings;
elseif i == noiseframes
energy_thresh = mean(energy_thresh_buf) + ...
% Requires a minimum threshold of 25 zero crossings
xing_thresh = max(mean(zxings_thresh_buf) + ...
% Initial indicator of Voice Activity
if frame_energy >= energy_thresh || frame_zxings >= xing_thresh
% Now need to decide if we really do have voice activity based on
% the length of time that "DETECT" == 1.
if VA % We may have voice activity
VAframes = VAframes + 1; % Increment VAframe counter
WORDbuff(:,VAframes) = frame; % Save in buffer
% Circular shift buffer and save current frame indicator
VAbuff = circshift(VAbuff,1);
VAbuff(1) = 1;
VAbuff(1) = 0;
% Look at buffer of frames where DETECT = 1
if VAbuff(1)
% Reset buffer
VAbuff = [1; zeros(bufferlength-1,1)];
elseif VAbuff(end)
% There was no voice activity for duration of buffer. Turn
% off VA flag and calculate number of contiguous frames
% with voice activity.
VA = 0;
VAframes = VAframes - bufferlength - 1;
% Disregard any contiguous frames less than 0.25s
if VAframes > 25;
WORD = 1;
WORDdata = WORDbuff(:,1:VAframes);
WORDbuff = zeros(seglength,200);
WORD = 0;
WORDbuff = zeros(seglength,200);
else % No voice detected yet
% Do indicators suggest VA?
VA = 1; % Set flag to say we may have VA
VAframes = 1; % Re-Initialise VA frame number
WORDbuff(:,1) = frame; % Save in buffer
% Initialise buffer to record the previous frames where
% DETECT = 1. This is used to determine contiguous frames
% of voice or non-voice activity
VAbuff = [1; zeros(bufferlength-1,1)];
% Combine all speech frames in one big matrix
ALLdata = [ALLdata WORDdata];
WORD = 0;
% Step up to next frame of speech
samp1 = samp1 + stepsize;
samp2 = samp2 + stepsize;
%Nested function for zero crossing calculation
function numcross = zerocross
currsum = 0;
prevsign = 0;
for kk = 1:seglength
currsign = sign(frame(kk));
if (currsign * prevsign) == -1
currsum = currsum + 1;
if currsign ~= 0
prevsign = currsign;
numcross = currsum;
% Calculate MFCC coefficients from overlapped speech frames
mfccdata = mfcc(ALLdata,Fs,1);
% Calculate a GMM fit for the training data and save to MODELS
if exist('MODELS.mat','file')
modelidx = getmodelidx;
models(modelidx).word = model;
options = statset('MaxIter',500,'Display','final');
disp(['Starting GMM Training for: ' model]);
models(modelidx).gmm = gmdistribution.fit(mfccdata',8,'CovType',...
save MODELS models
% Nested function to get index for model structure
function idx = getmodelidx
switch model
case 'one', idx = 1;
case 'two', idx = 2;
case 'three', idx = 3;
case 'four', idx = 4;
case 'five', idx = 5;
case 'six', idx = 6;
case 'seven', idx = 7;
case 'eight', idx = 8;
case 'nine', idx = 9;
case 'zero', idx = 10;
otherwise, error('Invalid Word for training');
% Also save training vectors to TRAINDATA (maybe for future use)
%if exist('TRAINDATA.mat','file')
%save TRAINDATA traindata
The error code is as below when i try to remove case six until case zero.
Error in ==> digitrecgui>getword at 313 switch nll_IDX
??? Output argument "word" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "C:\Users\ck\Documents\Academic\FYP\MATLAB\Sample\Isolated_Digit_Recognition\digitrecgui.m (getword)".
Error in ==> digitrecgui>startbutton_Callback at 249 digit = getword(nll_IDX);
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96 feval(varargin{:});
Error in ==> digitrecgui at 43 gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in ==> guidemfile>@(hObject,eventdata)digitrecgui('startbutton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
Anyone got idea what is going on?
4 件のコメント
misc llaenous
2012 年 3 月 16 日
does this code compare speech signals (0 to 9)? if so, how did you feed in the speech signals in matlab that user can compare with?
Daniel Shub
2012 年 3 月 16 日
@misc I suggest that you have a look at
Instead of digging up an unanswered (and unresponded to) question from 4 months ago.
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