I need to place the results of several msheatmap functions one above the other in a single figure, where they share the x-axis
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hello, I am analyzing several variables and I want to visually compare their behavior. For that I have used the msheatmap function that allows me to obtain a mapheat for each of the variables. Unfortunately I don't see a way to group all the results in a single figure that allows me to quickly see groupings of events. I tried to save the figures and then integrate them into a single one but it indicates that information components are lost. The desired result would be as the figure shown below. thanks
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回答 (1 件)
2023 年 5 月 15 日
To visually compare the behavior of multiple variables and create a single figure with grouped events, you can use the subplot function in MATLAB. This function allows you to create a grid of subplots within a single figure, where each subplot represents a different variable or map heatmap.
Here's an example of how you can use subplot to create a single figure with multiple map heatmaps:
% Define your variables and their corresponding map heatmaps
variable1_heatmap = msheatmap(variable1);
variable2_heatmap = msheatmap(variable2);
variable3_heatmap = msheatmap(variable3);
% ... and so on for other variables
% Create a new figure
% Define the layout of subplots in a 2x2 grid (adjust as per your requirements)
numRows = 2;
numCols = 2;
% Plot the first variable's heatmap in the first subplot
subplot(numRows, numCols, 1);
title('Variable 1');
% Plot the second variable's heatmap in the second subplot
subplot(numRows, numCols, 2);
title('Variable 2');
% Plot the third variable's heatmap in the third subplot
subplot(numRows, numCols, 3);
title('Variable 3');
% ... and so on for other variables
% Adjust the spacing between subplots if needed
subplotSpacing = 0.05; % Modify this value as desired
set(gcf, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize')); % Maximize the figure window
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized');
ax = gca;
axPos = ax.Position;
axPos(1) = axPos(1) + subplotSpacing;
axPos(2) = axPos(2) + subplotSpacing;
axPos(3) = axPos(3) - 2 * subplotSpacing;
axPos(4) = axPos(4) - 2 * subplotSpacing;
ax.Position = axPos;
% Add a colorbar to the figure
% Adjust any other settings for the overall figure
% Save the figure if desired
saveas(gcf, 'grouped_heatmaps.png'); % Adjust the filename and format as needed
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