How to properly set ticks, numbers and the their decimal places on colorbar?
69 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I want to show on the colorbar 50 ticks but visualize only 11 or 10 numbers asscoiated to them and then set 6 decimal places for each number. Can you help me?
Here is my attempt code but only one number seems to appear on the bar.
load JC_L1
load PLOs_filt
fig = figure;
color_map_L1 = flip(turbo(numel(JC_L1))); % I prefer to associate the red to high-energy level
for k1 = 1:50
"Color",color_map_L1(k1,:)); hold on
axis equal
% Colorbar settings
cb = colorbar;
ticks = flip(JC_L1)'; %Specify how many numbers show on the colorbar
set(cb,'ytick', ticks/max(ticks));
tix = cb.Ticks; % Get Tick Values
cb.TickLabels = compose('%9.6f',tix);
0 件のコメント
Star Strider
2022 年 10 月 6 日
Try something like this —
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(50);
surf(X, Y, Z)
grid on
hcb = colorbar;
% get(hcb)
tix = hcb.Ticks; % Get Tick Values
hcb.TickLabels = compose('%9.6f',tix); % Set Tick Labels
The format descriptor '%9.6f' allows for the decimal and sign position so all the tick labels are aligned appropriately.
6 件のコメント
Star Strider
2022 年 10 月 6 日
Reversing the colorbar is straightforward. This also reverses the tick labels, however if you want them as they were before the colorbar was reversed, change the relevant assignment to:
cb.TickLabels(tiklblidx) = compose('%9.6f', JC_L1(flip(tiklblidx))); % Set & Format Tick Labels
That will reverse the order of the tick labels without re-flipping the colorbar. In my code they are unchanged (unflipped), so flip the index if you want to.
This now uses a select subset of ‘JC_L1’ for the colorbar tick labels.
Try this —
LD1 = load(websave('JC_L1',''));
JC_L1 = LD1.JC_L1;
LD2 = load(websave('PLOs_filt',''));
PLOs_filt = LD2.PLOs_filt;
fig = figure;
color_map_L1 = flip(turbo(numel(JC_L1))); % I prefer to associate the red to high-energy level
for k1 = 1:50
"Color",color_map_L1(k1,:)); hold on
axis equal
% Colorbar settings
cb = colorbar;
ticks = flip(JC_L1)'; %Specify how many numbers show on the colorbar
% ticklims = [min(ticks); max(ticks); min(ticks)/max(ticks); numel(ticks)] % Interest Only - Not Required For Code (Delete If Desired)
% set(cb,'ytick', ticks/max(ticks));
% set(cb,'yticklabel',ticks);
tix = cb.Ticks; % Get Tick Values
tikpos = linspace(min(tix), max(tix), numel(ticks)); % Tick Positions On 'colorbar'
cb.Ticks = tikpos; % Set Tick Positions
% tix = cb.Ticks; % Get Tick Values
cb.Direction = 'reverse';
cb.TickLabels = cell(50,1);
tiklblidx = [1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50];
cb.TickLabels(tiklblidx) = compose('%9.6f', JC_L1(tiklblidx)); % Set & Format Tick Labels
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