which solver is best to solve a set of trig equation?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Xingda Chen
Xingda Chen 2022 年 8 月 20 日
編集済み: Xingda Chen 2022 年 8 月 21 日
I wonder if existing MATLAB solvers can solve my set of trignometric equations:
For the above equations, assume I know , , , and , and I want to solve for θ and ϕ.
I tried using fsolve with 2 and 3 equations but the solutions I got was incorrect:
lambda = 0.06;
azi = 36;
ele = 55;
%DOA= [azi ele];
x1 = 0.06; y1 = 0 ; z1 = 0;
x2 = 0.12; y2 = 0; z2 = 0;
x3 = 0.06; y3 = 0.06; z3 = 0;
s1 = exp((2*pi*1j)*((x1*cosd(azi)*sind(ele)+y1*sind(azi)*sind(ele)+z1*cosd(ele))/lambda))
s1 = -0.5214 - 0.8533i
s2 = exp((2*pi*1j)*((x2*cosd(azi)*sind(ele)+y2*sind(azi)*sind(ele)+z2*cosd(ele))/lambda))
s2 = -0.4563 + 0.8898i
s3 = exp((2*pi*1j)*((x3*cosd(azi)*sind(ele)+y3*sind(azi)*sind(ele)+z3*cosd(ele))/lambda))
s3 = 0.6169 + 0.7870i
%now, work backward, use s1 and s2 ro find azi and ele, still try to use
leftside1 = real(log(s1)/(2*pi*1j)) %solution contains imaginary value == 0i
leftside1 = -0.3373
leftside2 = real(log(s2)/(2*pi*1j))
leftside2 = 0.3254
leftside3 = real(log(s3)/(2*pi*1j))
leftside3 = 0.1442
ans = 1
ans = 1
ans = 1
options = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','none','PlotFcn',@optimplotfirstorderopt,'Algorithm','levenberg-marquardt')
options =
fsolve options: Options used by current Algorithm ('levenberg-marquardt'): (Other available algorithms: 'trust-region', 'trust-region-dogleg') Set properties: Algorithm: 'levenberg-marquardt' Display: 'none' PlotFcn: @optimplotfirstorderopt Default properties: CheckGradients: 0 FiniteDifferenceStepSize: 'sqrt(eps)' FiniteDifferenceType: 'forward' FunctionTolerance: 1.0000e-06 MaxFunctionEvaluations: '200*numberOfVariables' MaxIterations: 400 OutputFcn: [] SpecifyObjectiveGradient: 0 StepTolerance: 1.0000e-06 TypicalX: 'ones(numberOfVariables,1)' UseParallel: 0 Show options not used by current Algorithm ('levenberg-marquardt')
fun = @(DOA)f_angle(DOA,leftside1,leftside2,leftside3);
DOA0 = [35,54];
DOA = fsolve(fun,DOA0,options)
Error using uicontrol
This functionality is not available on remote platforms.

Error in callAllOptimPlotFcns (line 78)
stopBtn = uicontrol('string',getString(message('MATLAB:optimfun:funfun:optimplots:ButtonStop')), ...

Error in levenbergMarquardt>callOutputAndPlotFcns (line 437)
stop = callAllOptimPlotFcns(plotfcns,xOutputfcn,optimValues,state,varargin{:}) || stop;

Error in levenbergMarquardt (line 147)
[optimValues, stop] = callOutputAndPlotFcns(outputfcn,plotfcns,caller,reshape(XOUT,xShape),...

Error in fsolve (line 450)
levenbergMarquardt(funfcn,x,lb,ub,verbosity,options,defaultopt,f,JAC,caller, ...
function f = f_angle(DOA,leftside1,leftside2,leftside3)
lambda = 0.06;
x1 = 0.06; y1 = 0 ; z1 = 0;
x2 = 0.12; y2 = 0; z2 = 0;
x3 = 0.06; y3 = 0.06; z3 = 0;
f(1)= ((x1*cosd(DOA(1))*sind(DOA(2))+y1*sind(DOA(1))*sind(DOA(2))+z1*cosd(DOA(2)))/lambda) -leftside1;
f(2)= ((x2*cosd(DOA(1))*sind(DOA(2))+y2*sind(DOA(1))*sind(DOA(2))+z2*cosd(DOA(2)))/lambda) -leftside2;
f(3)= ((x3*cosd(DOA(1))*sind(DOA(2))+y3*sind(DOA(1))*sind(DOA(2))+z3*cosd(DOA(2)))/lambda) -leftside3;
my intended angle is [36 55] but fsolve returns [52.4154 5.9013].
Ultimately, my value would contain some small noise so equal sign would turn into an approx equal sign so I think symbolic solver would be in no use.
Would be nice to know whether this set of equations are solvable using MATLAB? If so which solver/set up should I be looking into?
  2 件のコメント
Torsten 2022 年 8 月 20 日
As you can see above, f(1) = f(2) = f(3) = 1, not 0.
Xingda Chen
Xingda Chen 2022 年 8 月 20 日
編集済み: Xingda Chen 2022 年 8 月 20 日
Hi Torsten,
Yes I realized I cannot simiply log a complex number. I am editing my script such that my a+bj complex number returns a phase reading in term of degrees/radians, and then re-run fsolve and see if that works



Xingda Chen
Xingda Chen 2022 年 8 月 21 日
編集済み: Xingda Chen 2022 年 8 月 21 日
I realized I cannot simiply log a complex number. I am editing my script such that my a+bj complex number returns an angle reading in term of degrees/radians, as well as making sure the returned phase isn't wrap within 2*pi. fsolve() proudly completed the job.... kudos to the team who developed fsolve()!

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