
Relation between depths and thicknesses

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Moustafa Abedel Fattah
Moustafa Abedel Fattah 2022 年 7 月 12 日
コメント済み: VBBV 2022 年 11 月 12 日
I have five buried layers of known depths and four of them are of known thicknesses. The last depth is obtained from the relation (z5 = sum t(i) + z1) as shown in attached figure. Please I need a short code to get the depths useing the foremention formula. (N.B. I have give a numerical values for depths and thicknesses)
Thanks in advance for quick response as always.
Best Regards;
M. Dahab

回答 (2 件)

Bharat Chandra Mukkavalli
Bharat Chandra Mukkavalli 2022 年 7 月 12 日
The following code will cater your purpose:
z = [7 38 65 117];
t = [31 27 52 268];
z5 = 0;
for i=1:length(t)
z5 = z5 + t(i);
z5 = z5 + z(1);
z(end+1) = z5;
Hope this helps!
  1 件のコメント
Moustafa Abedel Fattah
Moustafa Abedel Fattah 2022 年 7 月 13 日
Thanks BM, for your kindest as also for quick response, it work but I need the depths of layers ( z = [7 38 65 117]) from the known thicknesses of layers (t = [31 27 52 268]) and the last layer depth's (have no thickness).
Can you or any one do it. thanks again


VBBV 2022 年 11 月 12 日
syms z1 z2 z3 z4 z5
t = [31 27 52 268]; % known thicknesses
eq1 = z1;
eq2 = z2 == z1 + t(1);
eq3 = z3 == z2 + t(2);
eq4 = z4 == z3 + t(3);
eq5 = z5 == z4 + t(4);
sol = solve([eq1 eq2 eq3 eq4 eq5],[z1 z2 z3 z4 z5])
sol = struct with fields:
z1: 0 z2: 31 z3: 58 z4: 110 z5: 378
  1 件のコメント
VBBV 2022 年 11 月 12 日
you can solve for the depth variables using known thicknesses as above



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