
using inverse hyperbolic functions cosh in matlab

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
mohammed hussein
mohammed hussein 2022 年 5 月 6 日
コメント済み: Voss 2022 年 5 月 7 日
Hi every one
I have vector of complex data that has real and imaginary part. I want to use cosh of this data in MATLAB. then I want to use the invers of cosh to return me to the data input. I used in MATLAB this code
A= [ 10.9837193883460 + 26.5347537674488i 9.08578029925812 + 27.2688648124603i 7.13892338965110 + 27.8674662179979i 5.15283024456107 + 28.3273169598239i 3.13739622908723 + 28.6458664819948i 1.10268121205304 + 28.8212686991090i -0.941140621386700 + 28.8523924881452i -2.98383161797377 + 28.7388286111658i -5.01514191135404 + 28.4808930279443i -7.02486082745132 + 28.0796265756387i -9.00286818246618 + 27.5367910108141i -10.9391852159635 + 26.8548614273679i -12.8240249028140 + 26.0370150821188i -14.6478413905078 + 25.0871166778933i -16.4013783122172 + 24.0097001718231i -18.0757157312878 + 22.8099471941067i -19.6623154792203 + 21.4936621796417i -21.1530646568884 + 20.0672443316137i -22.5403170775323 + 18.5376565522323i -23.8169324400296 + 16.9123914912512i -24.9763130319849 + 15.1994348776115i -26.0124377741751 + 13.4072263135169i -26.9198934309609 + 11.5446177232455i -27.6939028251654 + 9.62082966110862i -28.3303499106663 + 7.64540569408595i -28.8258015714740 + 5.62816508468216i -29.1775260322726 + 3.57915400845697i -29.3835077821777 + 1.50859554847569i -29.4424589308279 - 0.573161284572463i -29.3538269336532 - 2.65569325247631i -29.1177986412982 - 4.72855505165752i -28.7353006465233 - 6.78133167652808i -28.2079959204595 - 8.80369072161829i -27.5382767486756 - 10.7854343599834i -26.7292539961117 - 12.7165507365551i -25.7847427483981 - 14.5872645175724i -24.7092443953497 - 16.3880863410096i -23.5079252403681 - 18.1098609180221i -22.1865917370961 - 19.7438135417332i -20.7516624717032 - 21.2815947673119i -19.2101370258051 - 22.7153230359575i -17.5695618707992 - 24.0376250254637i -15.8379934596274 - 25.2416735209560i -14.0239586962942 - 26.3212226115406i -12.1364129769286 - 27.2706400316673i -10.1846960087276 - 28.0849364800239i -8.17848562456214 - 28.7597917636580i -6.12774982152663 - 29.2915776306869i -4.04269726096728 - 29.6773771713292i -1.93372647568119 - 29.9150006840109i];
B= cosh(A);
In theoretically, I should get C=A but I couldn’t find in MATLAB. Can you help me with this problem?


Voss 2022 年 5 月 6 日
"theoretically, I should get C=A"
Not necessarily.
x = -1.5:0.1:1.5;
line([1 1],[1 cosh(1)],'Color','r','LineStyle','--')
text(-1,1,'x = -1','HorizontalAlignment','right','VerticalAlignment','bottom')
line([-2 1],cosh([1 1]),'Color','r','LineStyle','--')
text(-2,cosh(1),sprintf('y = cosh(x) = %.2f',cosh(1)),'VerticalAlignment','bottom')
line([-1 1],cosh([1 1]),'LineStyle','none','Marker','o','Color','r')
line([-1 -1],[1 cosh(1)],'Color','r','LineStyle','--')
text(1,1,'x = 1','VerticalAlignment','bottom')
cosh(1) == cosh(-1), and they are both approximately 1.54.
So acosh(1.54) returns 1, but what if you started with x = -1? You could not say that acosh(cosh(x)) = x.
A= [ 10.9837193883460 + 26.5347537674488i 9.08578029925812 + 27.2688648124603i 7.13892338965110 + 27.8674662179979i 5.15283024456107 + 28.3273169598239i 3.13739622908723 + 28.6458664819948i 1.10268121205304 + 28.8212686991090i -0.941140621386700 + 28.8523924881452i -2.98383161797377 + 28.7388286111658i -5.01514191135404 + 28.4808930279443i -7.02486082745132 + 28.0796265756387i -9.00286818246618 + 27.5367910108141i -10.9391852159635 + 26.8548614273679i -12.8240249028140 + 26.0370150821188i -14.6478413905078 + 25.0871166778933i -16.4013783122172 + 24.0097001718231i -18.0757157312878 + 22.8099471941067i -19.6623154792203 + 21.4936621796417i -21.1530646568884 + 20.0672443316137i -22.5403170775323 + 18.5376565522323i -23.8169324400296 + 16.9123914912512i -24.9763130319849 + 15.1994348776115i -26.0124377741751 + 13.4072263135169i -26.9198934309609 + 11.5446177232455i -27.6939028251654 + 9.62082966110862i -28.3303499106663 + 7.64540569408595i -28.8258015714740 + 5.62816508468216i -29.1775260322726 + 3.57915400845697i -29.3835077821777 + 1.50859554847569i -29.4424589308279 - 0.573161284572463i -29.3538269336532 - 2.65569325247631i -29.1177986412982 - 4.72855505165752i -28.7353006465233 - 6.78133167652808i -28.2079959204595 - 8.80369072161829i -27.5382767486756 - 10.7854343599834i -26.7292539961117 - 12.7165507365551i -25.7847427483981 - 14.5872645175724i -24.7092443953497 - 16.3880863410096i -23.5079252403681 - 18.1098609180221i -22.1865917370961 - 19.7438135417332i -20.7516624717032 - 21.2815947673119i -19.2101370258051 - 22.7153230359575i -17.5695618707992 - 24.0376250254637i -15.8379934596274 - 25.2416735209560i -14.0239586962942 - 26.3212226115406i -12.1364129769286 - 27.2706400316673i -10.1846960087276 - 28.0849364800239i -8.17848562456214 - 28.7597917636580i -6.12774982152663 - 29.2915776306869i -4.04269726096728 - 29.6773771713292i -1.93372647568119 - 29.9150006840109i]
A =
10.9837 +26.5348i 9.0858 +27.2689i 7.1389 +27.8675i 5.1528 +28.3273i 3.1374 +28.6459i 1.1027 +28.8213i -0.9411 +28.8524i -2.9838 +28.7388i -5.0151 +28.4809i -7.0249 +28.0796i -9.0029 +27.5368i -10.9392 +26.8549i -12.8240 +26.0370i -14.6478 +25.0871i -16.4014 +24.0097i -18.0757 +22.8099i -19.6623 +21.4937i -21.1531 +20.0672i -22.5403 +18.5377i -23.8169 +16.9124i -24.9763 +15.1994i -26.0124 +13.4072i -26.9199 +11.5446i -27.6939 + 9.6208i -28.3303 + 7.6454i -28.8258 + 5.6282i -29.1775 + 3.5792i -29.3835 + 1.5086i -29.4425 - 0.5732i -29.3538 - 2.6557i -29.1178 - 4.7286i -28.7353 - 6.7813i -28.2080 - 8.8037i -27.5383 -10.7854i -26.7293 -12.7166i -25.7847 -14.5873i -24.7092 -16.3881i -23.5079 -18.1099i -22.1866 -19.7438i -20.7517 -21.2816i -19.2101 -22.7153i -17.5696 -24.0376i -15.8380 -25.2417i -14.0240 -26.3212i -12.1364 -27.2706i -10.1847 -28.0849i -8.1785 -28.7598i -6.1277 -29.2916i -4.0427 -29.6774i -1.9337 -29.9150i
B = cosh(A);
C = acosh(B)
C =
10.9837 + 1.4020i 9.0858 + 2.1361i 7.1389 + 2.7347i 5.1528 - 3.0886i 3.1374 - 2.7701i 1.1027 - 2.5947i 0.9411 + 2.5635i 2.9838 + 2.6771i 5.0151 + 2.9350i 7.0249 - 2.9469i 9.0029 - 2.4040i 10.9392 - 1.7221i 12.8240 - 0.9043i 14.6478 + 0.0456i 16.4014 + 1.1230i 18.0757 + 2.3228i 19.6623 - 2.6441i 21.1531 - 1.2177i 22.5403 + 0.3119i 23.8169 + 1.9372i 24.9763 - 2.6331i 26.0124 - 0.8409i 26.9199 + 1.0218i 27.6939 + 2.9455i 28.3303 - 1.3622i 28.8258 + 0.6550i 29.1775 + 2.7040i 29.3835 - 1.5086i 29.4425 + 0.5732i 29.3538 + 2.6557i 29.1178 - 1.5546i 28.7353 + 0.4981i 28.2080 + 2.5205i 27.5383 - 1.7809i 26.7293 + 0.1502i 25.7847 + 2.0209i 24.7092 - 2.4615i 23.5079 - 0.7397i 22.1866 + 0.8943i 20.7517 + 2.4320i 19.2101 - 2.4174i 17.5696 - 1.0951i 15.8380 + 0.1089i 14.0240 + 1.1885i 12.1364 + 2.1379i 10.1847 + 2.9522i 8.1785 - 2.6561i 6.1277 - 2.1243i 4.0427 - 1.7385i 1.9337 - 1.5009i
ans = logical
  4 件のコメント
mohammed hussein
mohammed hussein 2022 年 5 月 7 日
thank you for your answer
Voss 2022 年 5 月 7 日
You're welcome!


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