convert java code to matlab code

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
nadia nadi
nadia nadi 2022 年 5 月 6 日
編集済み: TED MOSBY 2024 年 11 月 22 日
I need to convert this code to matlab. I have no idea about java. could anyone help me please.
public class NextFit extends Packing {
protected final boolean shouldDecrease = false;
public NextFit(double[] items) {
protected void pack(double item) {
int binSize = this.bins.size();
boolean canFit = binSize > 0 && this.bins.get(binSize - 1).remainingCapacity >= item;
int binIndex = binSize - (canFit ? 1 : 0);
this.addItem(item, binIndex);
protected boolean shouldDecrease() {
return this.shouldDecrease;

回答 (1 件)

TED MOSBY 2024 年 11 月 22 日
編集済み: TED MOSBY 2024 年 11 月 22 日
I can give guidelines on things to keep in mind while converting you code:
  • In MATLAB, classes are defined in separate files with the same name as the class. The file should be named NextFit.m.
  • MATLAB does not use public, protected, or private keywords in the same way Java does. MATLAB uses properties and methods blocks to control access.
  • MATLAB methods are defined within a methods block. The @Override annotation doesn't exist in MATLAB.
  • MATLAB uses properties block to define class properties.
It should look something like this, feel free to adjust it accordingly:
classdef NextFit < Packing
properties (Access = protected, Constant)
shouldDecreaseFlag = false;
function obj = NextFit(items)
obj@Packing(items); % Call the superclass constructor
function pack(obj, item)
binSize = numel(obj.bins);
canFit = binSize > 0 && obj.bins{binSize}.remainingCapacity >= item;
binIndex = binSize - (canFit * 1);
obj.addItem(item, binIndex);
function result = shouldDecrease(obj)
result = obj.shouldDecreaseFlag;
Here I changed the name of the property ‘shouldDecrease’ to ‘shouldDecreaseFlag’ to store the Boolean value and then returned that boolean value in the function ‘shouldDecrease’ inside the methods. I did this as we cannot write the property and the function with the same name in the same class in MATLAB as it creates ambiguity
Hope this helps!


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