How to save tables in txt or xls file?
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
i need to save tables into txt or xls file. That's the script:
- %Create a "unique name" for the file
- nrdm1={'File_Log_'};
- lettere='A':'Z';
- nrdm2=lettere(randi(numel(s)));
- nrdm3=lettere(randi(numel(s)));
- nrdm4={'.txt'};
- name_file=strcat(nrdm1,nrdm2,nrdm3,nrdm4); %example: "File_Log_NX.txt"
- %Create tables (tab1, tab2, tab3)
- NomeDati = ["Frequenza di campionamento [Hz]";"Numero Canali [ ]";"Tempo di acquisizione [s]";"Blocco PSD [s]";" TF [s]"];
- Valori=[Fs;n_canali;time_end;Tb;Tbd]; %variables
- tab1 = table(NomeDati,Valori)
- Warning = ["Warning valore medio";"Warning rumore"];
- NomeCanale=["Rilevato";"Non rilevato"];
- tab2 = table(Warning,NomeCanale)
- NumeroCanale = ["1","2"]';
- nome_canali=["fds","hgf"]';
- tab3 = table(NumeroCanale,nome_canali)
- %Save the file
- save(name_files,'tab1','tab2','tab3','-ascii')
Of course it can't work properly ("Error using save: Must be a string scalar or character vector."). I tried also "writetable" or "xlswrite" but i don't know how to organize these datas and saving the file with the right name.
Anyone can help?
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