How can I form a matrix of all possible values of three variables?
22 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have three variables (bgt, Trigger, alpha), and each one of it could take any value from the set of three values {0.1, 0.5, 0.9} . How can I form a matrix of size 27 by 3 that contains all the possible combinations? And then for the following Script, I want MATLAB to run each row of this newly formed matrix( 27 different runs in total) and save the results (Check % Save The Results Section ). Eventually, I want to pick any three rows easily and plot Mavg against its length (Three curves on the same plot. Nine plots in total)
Start_time = tic();
N = 5000;
p = 0.2;
% The three Variables
bgt = 0.9* N;
Trigger = 0.9 * N;
alpha = 0.9;
init_attack = 8; % no. of nodes attacked initially
mde = 0; %mode of attack
disturb = 350; % disturbance added to the loads
tol = 0.2; % tolerance parameter alpha C = L + a
iter = 1;
tmax = 120;
M_iter = zeros(iter, tmax);
for jj = 1:iter
N = numnodes(G);% number of nodes(components)
[G_dmg,attack,G_orig, needRemoveNode,LoadneedDist,M, tmax, lastIndex] = Load_initial(G,init_attack,mde,disturb,tol,Load, tmax); % initial attack (disruption)
alreadyCalled = false; % Say that decision and implement have not been called yet.
for tt = 3: tmax
if any(needRemoveNode)|| ~any(needRemoveNode)
[G_dmg,LoadneedDist,needRemoveNode,M, tmax, lastIndex] = Load_Stages(G_dmg,needRemoveNode,LoadneedDist,M, tmax, lastIndex); % a cascade of failure will be triggered
if (M(tt) >= (Trigger)) && ~alreadyCalled % triggering level
% Calling for the very first time if we get here.
[G_dmg, Nodes_p, tmax] = Loads_decision(G_dmg, tmax);
[G_dmg, M, tmax, lastIndex] = Loads_implement(G_dmg, Nodes_p, M, tmax, lastIndex, p, bgt, alpha);
alreadyCalled = true; % Set flag to indicate we've called it.
elseif alreadyCalled
% Once they've been called already, call them regardless of the "if" test.
[G_dmg, Nodes_p, tmax] = Loads_decision(G_dmg, tmax); %decide which nodes to recover first
[G_dmg, M, tmax, lastIndex] = Loads_implement(G_dmg, Nodes_p, M, tmax, lastIndex, p, bgt, alpha); % implement recovery
S = std(M_iter);
SE = S/sqrt(size(M_iter,1));
% Save The Results
% if Trigger == 0.1 * N
Mavg = mean(M_iter,1);
% elseif Trigger == 0.5 * N
% save('M_iter2.mat','M_iter');
% Mavg = mean(M_iter,1);
% save('Mavg2.mat','Mavg');
% save('SE2.mat','SE')
% elseif Trigger == 0.9 * N
% save('M_iter3.mat','M_iter');
% Mavg = mean(M_iter,1);
% save('Mavg3.mat','Mavg');
% save('SE3.mat','SE')
% end
% Plotting
% errorbar(1:length(Mavg),Mavg,SE);hold on
plot(1:length(Mavg),Mavg); hold on
legend({'Triggering Level = 10%', 'Triggering Level = 50%', 'Triggering Level = 90%'}, 'Location', 'NorthWest');
ylabel('No. of Inactive Nodes')
0 件のコメント
2021 年 12 月 7 日
編集済み: DGM
2021 年 12 月 7 日
This is what I did off the top of my head
v = [0.1 0.5 0.9];
k = 3;
combs = unique(nchoosek(repmat(v,[1 k]),k),'rows')
This can also be done using ndgrid and some reshaping. It's a bit faster, but the readability isn't remotely comparable. For the same reason, it's not something I find easy to remember either.
v = [0.1 0.5 0.9];
k = 3;
c = cell(1,k);
vc = repmat({v},[1 k]);
[c{:}] = ndgrid(vc{:});
n = length(c);
combs = reshape(cat(n+1,c{:}),[],n)
3 件のコメント
2021 年 12 月 8 日
編集済み: DGM
2021 年 12 月 8 日
Something like this might be a start
combs = % however you decide to generate the combination array
for k = 1:size(combs,1)
bgt = combs(k,1);
Trigger = combs(k,2);
alpha = combs(k,3);
% do the loop to calculate Miter
How you handle output collection is up to you. You could either collect the outputs in an N-D array or you can dump them to mat-files individually. Since I don't know what size they are intended to be, I'm going to leave that decision up to you.
Say you want Miter to be N-D. You might do the assignment like so:
M_iter(jj,:,k) = M;
or maybe you want to write each 2-D output to a unique file instead...
If you want to plot the data for all 27 parameter combinations, you're probably going to be better off deciding on a way to collect the outputs into an ND array. Making a readable plot might be another challenge.
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