how to save the content of the current figure as an image?
99 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Nisreen Sulayman
2014 年 9 月 18 日
コメント済み: Raviteja Vangara
2020 年 5 月 12 日
how to save the content(which is an image) of the current figure as an image?
I have about 30 figure ...
I want to use MATLAB commands to save them in for loop
0 件のコメント
Mohammad Abouali
2014 年 9 月 19 日
編集済み: Mohammad Abouali
2014 年 9 月 19 日
would also work.
or something like this
for i=1:30
% code to show image number i
saveas(gcf,['filename' num2str(i) '.png']);
if you don't like the border around it type:
before preparing your figure.
3 件のコメント
Mohammad Abouali
2014 年 9 月 26 日
編集済み: Mohammad Abouali
2014 年 9 月 26 日
Cool image. What are these? blood stream?
Anyway, so you can use fullfile() command. Something like this should work
DirectoryPath ='C:\Mystorage\myImages';
whereToStore=fullfile(DirectoryPath,['filename' num2str(i) '.png']);
saveas(gcf, whereToStore);
If you wanna make it more fancy you can have the user select the folder through a GUI like this
DirectoryPath = uigetdir();
if DirectoryPath~=0
whereToStore=fullfile(DirectoryPath,['filename' num2str(i) '.png']);
saveas(gcf, whereToStore);
その他の回答 (3 件)
Francesco Ciriello
2019 年 11 月 20 日
Save current figure
imwrite(getframe(gcf).cdata, 'myfilename.png')
Save current axis
imwrite(getframe(gca).cdata, 'myfilename.png')
1 件のコメント
Raviteja Vangara
2020 年 5 月 12 日
I think this deserves an upvote. I have an image with alpha data, and traditional saveas options wouldnt store alpha data in saved PNG file.
H = getframe(gca)
imwrite(H.cdata, 'myfilename.png')
This saves current figure as it appears on the window.
Image Analyst
2014 年 9 月 18 日
Use imwrite() if you just want to save the image you display. If you want to save the axes or figure, use export_fig().
2 件のコメント
Image Analyst
2014 年 9 月 19 日
Just use fullfile() when you construct the file name that you pass in to export_fig().
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