
RMS errors of integration

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Matthew Tortorella
Matthew Tortorella 2021 年 10 月 2 日
I am simulating the dynamics of an autonomous system described by x1dot=-ax1+x2, x2dot=-bx2+u, udot=-cu. I have generated 100 random variables for x1, x2, u, a, b, and c and then ran 100 iterations of the model. I then plotted x1(t), x2(t), and u(t) with given initial conditions [0 0 0]=[x1 x2, u]. My code is posted below. I am curious how to get the RMS of the errors for each of the integrations for all of the 100 iterations that make up the plots of x1(t), x2(t), and u(t). Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
low=0;%constants a,b,c are all positive constants so this is the initial lower bound for what their values can be
high=1000;%for purpose of simplifying simulation upper bound of values for x1, x2, u, a, b, and c was set to 1000. Theoretically, this bound can be almost infinite and those variables can take on larger values
ASa=(high-low).*rand(100,1) + low;%column vector of 100 uniformly distributed decimals between 0 and 1000 for constant a
lowb=1/a;%ensures b > 1/a so vdot is negative definite
ASb=(high-lowb).*rand(100,1) + lowb;%column vector of 100 uniformly distributed decimals between 0 and 1000 for constant b
lowc=1/(2*b);%ensures c > 1/2b so vdot is negative definite
ASc=(high-lowc).*rand(100,1) + lowc;%column vector of 100 uniformly distributed decimals between 0 and 1000 for constant c
ASx1=(high-low).*rand(100,1) + low;%column vector of 100 uniformly distributed decimals between 0 and 1000 for variable x1
ASx2=(high-low).*rand(100,1) + low;%column vector of 100 uniformly distributed decimals between 0 and 1000 for variable x2
ASu=(high-low).*rand(100,1) + low;%column vector of 100 uniformly distributed decimals between 0 and 1000 for variable u
for ii = 1:100 %signifies 100 iterations for each variable x1,x2,u,a,b,c
a =ASa(ii);%a takes on a specific value from the 100 randomly generated values for each iteration
b=ASb(ii);%b takes on a specific value from the 100 randomly generated values for each iteration
c=ASc(ii);%c takes on a specific value from the 100 randomly generated values for each iteration
x1=ASx1(ii);%x1 takes on a specific value from the 100 randomly generated values for each iteration
x2=ASx2(ii);%x2 takes on a specific value from the 100 randomly generated values for each iteration
u=ASu(ii);%u takes on a specific value from the 100 randomly generated values for each iteration
tspan = [0 5];%time span for elapsed simulation
options = odeset('reltol', 1e-5, 'abstol', 1e-8 );%default options for relative and absolute tolerance. The tolerances are used to limit the local discretization error during integration
x0 = [0 0 0];%initial conditions for x1, x2, and u
[t, y] = ode15s(@(t,x) dynamics(t,x,u,a,b,c), tspan, x0, options );%implementation of ode function in matlab to plot our system dynamics described in the function beneath the end of this for loop
plot(t,y(:,1))%plotting of x1(t)
hold on
plot(t,y(:,2))%plotting of x2(t)
hold on
plot(t,y(:,3))%plotting of u(t)
hold on
hold off
function system = dynamics(t,x,u,a,b,c)
system = zeros(3,1);%initialize system matrix
system(1) = -a*x(1)+x(2);%first row of system matrix defined by equation for dx1/dt
system(2) = -b*x(2)+u;%second row of system matrix defined by equation for dx2/dt
system(3) = -c*u;%third row of system matrix defined by equation for du/dt

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