Creating new arrays under conditions.

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Leon Ellis
Leon Ellis 2021 年 9 月 6 日
編集済み: Jan 2021 年 9 月 6 日
So what I want to do is the following: I have 2 vectors: Start() and stop() containing starting points of a signal and ending points of a signal. What I want to do is the following: If the absolute value of the difference between the ending point and next starting point is less than, say 1000, I want the new ending point to be the next one in the array.
So, given start = (5000 , 7000, 12500, 14200, 19000) and stop=(4500, 8520, 14000, 14500, 21000), The difference between the first and fourth column is less than 1000, so I want an array with the first new stop to be the 2'nd stop (8520) and the 4'th stop to be the fifth (21000), so: New_stop = (8520, 14000, 21000).
This is my code, but I keep getting an error. Help would be much appreciated and thanks in advance!
for j=1:length(start)
New_start(j)=start(j+1) (abs(stop(j)-start(j))<5000);
New_stop(j)=stop(j+1) (abs(stop(j)-New_start(j))<5000);


Jan 2021 年 9 月 6 日
編集済み: Jan 2021 年 9 月 6 日
start = [5000, 7000, 12500, 14200, 19000];
stop = [4500, 8520, 14000, 14500, 21000];
keep = (abs(start - stop) >= 1000);
newStop = stop(keep)
newStop = 1×3
8520 14000 21000
What is the wanted output for newStart?
newStart = start(keep) % ?
newStart = 1×3
7000 12500 19000
newStart = start([true, keep(1:end - 1)]) % ?
newStart = 1×3
5000 12500 14200

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