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ERROR : plant linearizes to zero

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Jose 2014 年 2 月 4 日
閉鎖済み: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021 年 8 月 20 日
Dear all,
I am trying to tune a PI controller with two "fcn" and one "MATLAB" function blocks as plant. Inside the "fcn" blocks are 2 simple equations but inside the "MATLAB" block i have written some code and the output is 1 or 0 (I am actually generating PWM signals based on duty ratios calculated inside the block).
"fcn1" has equation 1.5*u(1)*cos(u(2))*60
"fcn2" has equation asin((2*pi*50*0.00003*60)/(u(1)*u(2)))
"MATLAB" function block has a formula to calculate duty ratios and I generate the PWM signal (SVPWM) by splitting the duty ratio and apply 1 or 0 at different intervals.
The model file (subsystem alone and full model) is attached so please take a look.

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