OFDM Demodulation of Streaming Samples
This example shows how to use the OFDM Demodulator block in Wireless HDL Toolbox to demodulate complex time-domain OFDM samples to subcarriers for a vector input. This example model supports HDL code generation for the OFDMDemod
Set Up Input Data Parameters
Set up these workspace variables for the model to use. You can modify these values according to your requirement.
rng('default'); numOFDMSym = 2; maxFFTLen = 128; DCRem = true; RoundingMethod = 'floor'; Normalize = false; cpFraction = 1; fftLen = 64; cpLen = 16; numLG = 6; numRG = 5; if DCRem NullInd = [1:numLG fftLen/2+1 fftLen-numRG+1:fftLen]; else NullInd = [1:numLG fftLen-numRG+1:fftLen]; %#ok<UNRCH> end symbOffset = floor(cpFraction*cpLen); vecLen = 2;
Generate Frames of Random Input Samples
Generate frames of random samples using the MATLAB function randn
data = randn(fftLen,numOFDMSym)+1i*randn(fftLen,numOFDMSym); dataIn = ofdmmod(data,fftLen,cpLen);
Convert Frames to Stream of Random Samples
Convert frames of random samples to a stream of random samples to provide them as input to the block.
data = dataIn(:); valid = true(length(dataIn)/vecLen,1); fftSig = fftLen*ones(length(dataIn),1); CPSig = cpLen*ones(length(dataIn),1); LGSig = numLG*ones(length(dataIn),1); RGSig = numRG*ones(length(dataIn),1); resetSig = false(length(data),1); sampleTime = 1/vecLen; stopTime = (maxFFTLen*3*numOFDMSym)/vecLen;
Run Simulink Model
Run the model to import the input signal variables to the block from the script and exports a stream of demodulated output samples from the block to the MATLAB workspace.
modelname = 'genhdlOFDMDemodulatorModel';
out = sim(modelname);
simOut = squeeze(out.dataOut(:,1,out.validOut==1));
Demodulate Stream Samples Using MATLAB Function
Demodulate stream of random input samples using the ofdmdemod_baseline
[dataOut1] = ofdmdemod_baseline(dataIn,fftLen,cpLen,symbOffset,NullInd.',[],Normalize,RoundingMethod); matOut = dataOut1(:);
Compare Simulink Block Output with MATLAB Function Output
Compare the output of the Simulink model against the output of ofdmdemod_baseline
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) subplot(2,1,1) plot(real(matOut(:))); hold on; plot(real(simOut(:))); grid on legend('Reference','Simulink') xlabel('Sample Index') ylabel('Magnitude') title('Comparison of Simulink block and MATLAB function - Real part') subplot(2,1,2) plot(imag(matOut(:))); hold on; plot(imag(simOut(:))); grid on legend('Reference','Simulink') xlabel('Sample Index') ylabel('Magnitude') title('Comparison of Simulink block and MATLAB function - Imaginary part') sqnrRealdB=10*log10(var(real(simOut(:)))/abs(var(real(simOut(:)))-var(real(matOut(:))))); sqnrImagdB=10*log10(var(imag(simOut(:)))/abs(var(imag(simOut(:)))-var(imag(matOut(:))))); fprintf('\n OFDM Demodulator: \n SQNR of real part is %.2f dB',sqnrRealdB); fprintf('\n SQNR of imaginary part is %.2f dB\n',sqnrImagdB);
OFDM Demodulator: SQNR of real part is 47.77 dB SQNR of imaginary part is 42.69 dB