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この例では、フィッシャーのアヤメのデータの線形分類と 2 次分類の実施方法を示します。


load fisheriris

列ベクトル species は、3 種類のアヤメ setosa、versicolor、virginica で構成されています。double 行列 meas は、花に関する 4 種類の測定値、がく片の長さと幅 (cm) と花弁の長さと幅 (cm) で構成されています。

花弁の長さ (meas の 3 番目の列) と花弁の幅 (meas の 4 番目の列) の測定値を使用します。これらをそれぞれ変数 PL および変数 PW として保存します。

PL = meas(:,3);
PW = meas(:,4);


h1 = gscatter(PL,PW,species,'krb','ov^',[],'off');
h1(1).LineWidth = 2;
h1(2).LineWidth = 2;
h1(3).LineWidth = 2;
hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel PL, ylabel PW contains 3 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica.


X = [PL,PW];
MdlLinear = fitcdiscr(X,species);

2 番目と 3 番目のクラスの間で線形境界の係数を取得します。

MdlLinear.ClassNames([2 3])
ans = 2x1 cell
    {'virginica' }

K = MdlLinear.Coeffs(2,3).Const;  
L = MdlLinear.Coeffs(2,3).Linear;

2 番目と 3 番目のクラスを分離する曲線をプロットします。


f = @(x1,x2) K + L(1)*x1 + L(2)*x2;
h2 = fimplicit(f,[.9 7.1 0 2.5]);
h2.Color = 'r';
h2.LineWidth = 2;
h2.DisplayName = 'Boundary between Versicolor & Virginica';

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel PL, ylabel PW contains 4 objects of type line, implicitfunctionline. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica, Boundary between Versicolor & Virginica.

1 番目と 2 番目のクラスの間で線形境界の係数を取得します。

MdlLinear.ClassNames([1 2])
ans = 2x1 cell
    {'setosa'    }

K = MdlLinear.Coeffs(1,2).Const;
L = MdlLinear.Coeffs(1,2).Linear;

1 番目と 2 番目のクラスを分離する曲線をプロットします。

f = @(x1,x2) K + L(1)*x1 + L(2)*x2;
h3 = fimplicit(f,[.9 7.1 0 2.5]);
h3.Color = 'k';
h3.LineWidth = 2;
h3.DisplayName = 'Boundary between Versicolor & Setosa';
axis([.9 7.1 0 2.5])
xlabel('Petal Length')
ylabel('Petal Width')
title('{\bf Linear Classification with Fisher Training Data}')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title blank Linear blank Classification blank with blank Fisher blank Training blank Data, xlabel Petal Length, ylabel Petal Width contains 5 objects of type line, implicitfunctionline. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica, Boundary between Versicolor & Virginica, Boundary between Versicolor & Setosa.

2 次判別分類器を作成します。

MdlQuadratic = fitcdiscr(X,species,'DiscrimType','quadratic');



Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title blank Linear blank Classification blank with blank Fisher blank Training blank Data, xlabel Petal Length, ylabel Petal Width contains 3 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica.

2 番目と 3 番目のクラスの間で 2 次境界の係数を取得します。

MdlQuadratic.ClassNames([2 3])
ans = 2x1 cell
    {'virginica' }

K = MdlQuadratic.Coeffs(2,3).Const;
L = MdlQuadratic.Coeffs(2,3).Linear; 
Q = MdlQuadratic.Coeffs(2,3).Quadratic;

2 番目と 3 番目のクラスを分離する曲線をプロットします。


f = @(x1,x2) K + L(1)*x1 + L(2)*x2 + Q(1,1)*x1.^2 + ...
    (Q(1,2)+Q(2,1))*x1.*x2 + Q(2,2)*x2.^2;
h2 = fimplicit(f,[.9 7.1 0 2.5]);
h2.Color = 'r';
h2.LineWidth = 2;
h2.DisplayName = 'Boundary between Versicolor & Virginica';

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title blank Linear blank Classification blank with blank Fisher blank Training blank Data, xlabel Petal Length, ylabel Petal Width contains 4 objects of type line, implicitfunctionline. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica, Boundary between Versicolor & Virginica.

1 番目と 2 番目のクラスの間で 2 次境界の係数を取得します。

MdlQuadratic.ClassNames([1 2])
ans = 2x1 cell
    {'setosa'    }

K = MdlQuadratic.Coeffs(1,2).Const;
L = MdlQuadratic.Coeffs(1,2).Linear; 
Q = MdlQuadratic.Coeffs(1,2).Quadratic;

1 番目と 2 番目のクラスを分離する曲線をプロットします。

f = @(x1,x2) K + L(1)*x1 + L(2)*x2 + Q(1,1)*x1.^2 + ...
    (Q(1,2)+Q(2,1))*x1.*x2 + Q(2,2)*x2.^2;
h3 = fimplicit(f,[.9 7.1 0 1.02]); % Plot the relevant portion of the curve.
h3.Color = 'k';
h3.LineWidth = 2;
h3.DisplayName = 'Boundary between Versicolor & Setosa';
axis([.9 7.1 0 2.5])
xlabel('Petal Length')
ylabel('Petal Width')
title('{\bf Quadratic Classification with Fisher Training Data}')
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title blank Quadratic blank Classification blank with blank Fisher blank Training blank Data, xlabel Petal Length, ylabel Petal Width contains 5 objects of type line, implicitfunctionline. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica, Boundary between Versicolor & Virginica, Boundary between Versicolor & Setosa.



