Stimulate Root Inport by Using MATLAB Language
This example shows how to stimulate root inports in a model by using the Stimulation object and related functions:
Create Target Object and Connect
Create a Target object for the default target computer and connect to the target computer. In the Command Window, type:
tg = slrealtime; connect(tg);
Open Model and Map Inport to Wave Data
Open model slrt_ex_osc_inport
. Save the model to a working folder. Map the inport to use square wave data. For inport In1
, interpolated is off.
model = ('slrt_ex_osc_inport'); open_system(model); load('slrt_ex_inport_square.mat'); waveform = square; set_param(model,'ExternalInput','waveform'); set_param(model,'LoadExternalInput','on'); set_param(model,'StopTime','Inf'); modelSTF = getSTFName(tg); set_param(model,"SystemTargetFile",modelSTF);
Build Model and Download Real-Time Application
Build, download, and execute the real-time application.
Stimulate Root Inport Data
Start root inport stimulation of inports 1. Open Scope block and observe results.
start(tg.Stimulation,[1]); start(tg);
Pause root inport stimulation of inport 1.
Stop and start the stimulation of inport 1.
stop(tg.Stimulation,[1]); start(tg.Stimulation,[1]);
Check the status of stimulation of the inports.
Create a time-series object to load data to an inport.
sampleTime = 0.1; endTime = 10; numberOfSamples = endTime * 1/sampleTime + 1; timeVector = (0:numberOfSamples) * sampleTime; u = timeseries(timeVector*10,timeVector);
Object u is created for 10 seconds. Load it to the inport 1. Stimulation of an inport should be stopped before loading data.
stop(tg.Stimulation,[1]); reloadData(tg.Stimulation,[1],u);
Stop real-time application and close model.
stop(tg); bdclose(model);
See Also
| Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset