Humidity & Trace Gas Sensor (MA)
Measure humidity and trace gas levels in moist air network
Simscape /
Foundation Library /
Moist Air /
The Humidity & Trace Gas Sensor (MA) block measures the amount of moisture and trace gas in a moist air network. There is no mass or energy flow through the sensor.
The physical signal ports W, Tw, and G report the moisture level, wet-bulb temperature, and trace gas level, respectively, measured at port A. Use the block parameters to control the port visibility and select the quantities to measure. Connect these ports to PS-Simulink Converter blocks to transform the output physical signals into Simulink® signals, for example, for plotting or additional data processing.
The sensor measurements correspond to the moisture and trace gas level upstream of the measured node. For example, if port A of the Humidity & Trace Gas Sensor (MA) is connected to a node between pipe 1 and pipe 2 and the moist air flows from pipe 1 to pipe 2, then the moisture and trace gas level measured at port A are those of the moist air volume in pipe 1. If the air flow then switches direction and flows from pipe 2 to pipe 1, then the moisture and trace gas level measured at port A are those of the moist air volume in pipe 2. If the moisture and trace gas levels of the two moist air volumes are different, then the measured values change when the flow direction switches. If there are two or more upstream flow paths merging at the node, then the moisture and trace gas level measurement at the node represents the weighted average based on the ideal mixing of the merging flow.