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Effect of Nonlinear Amplifier on 16-QAM Modulation
This model shows the nonlinear effect of an RF Blockset™ Equivalent Baseband amplifier on a 16-QAM modulated signal.
Open the model and select Run to simulate the amplifier nonlinear effect on a 16-QAM modulated signal.
Compare the spectrums of transmitted and received signals, and observe the spectrum regrowth at the received signal. This regrowth is due to the nonlinearity of the amplifier.
Compare the constellations of transmitted and received signals, and observe the signal distortion at the received signal. This distortion is due to the nonlinearity of the amplifier.
To view the nonlinear effect, double-click the Slider Gain block and change the value of the gain while the model is running.
See Also
General Amplifier | Input Port | Output Port