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Retrieve list of report setup files on the MATLAB path


rptlist opens the Report Explorer as the active window and displays the list of report setup files available on the MATLAB® path, in the Library pane of the Report Explorer.

setupFileList = rptlist returns the list of report setup files available on the MATLAB path.

rptlist(simulinkModel) opens the Report Explorer as the active window and selects the report setup file associated with the specified Simulink® model in the Library pane of the Report Explorer.


  • You can use this syntax only if you have Simulink Report Generator™ installed.

  • Load the Simulink model before using this syntax.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of Simulink model associated with report setup file, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

To see which report setup file is associated with a model, check the value of the ReportName property of the model. For example:

model_name = "myModel";
model_report_name = get_param(model_name,"ReportName")
ans =
To associate a report setup file with a model, set the value of the ReportName property to the name of the report setup file. For example:
model_name = "myModel";
new_rpt_file_name = "modelRptFile.rpt";


The report setup file name must include the .rpt file extension.

By default, all models are associated with simulink-default.rpt, which is a report setup file that generates a report for the current Simulink system.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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