この例では、6 つの正方形から立方体を作成するために、変換オブジェクトを入れ子にした階層を作成し、順番に変換します。例では、階層を作成するために変換ブジェクトを他の変換オブジェクトの子オブジェクトにする方法および階層のメンバーの変換が下位のメンバーにどのように影響するかを示します。
関数 transform_foldbox
は変換の階層を実装します。関数 doUpdate
は各ステップをレンダリングします。両方の関数を transform_foldbox.m
function transform_foldbox % Create six square and fold % them into a cube figure % Set axis limits and view axes('Projection','perspective',... 'XLim',[0 4],... 'YLim',[0 4],... 'ZLim',[0 3]) view(3); axis equal; grid on % Create a hierarchy of transform objects t(1) = hgtransform; t(2) = hgtransform('parent',t(1)); t(3) = hgtransform('parent',t(2)); t(4) = hgtransform('parent',t(3)); t(5) = hgtransform('parent',t(4)); t(6) = hgtransform('parent',t(5)); % Patch data X = [0 0 1 1]; Y = [0 1 1 0]; Z = [0 0 0 0]; % Text data Xtext = .5; Ytext = .5; Ztext = .15; % Corresponding pairs of objects (patch and text) % are parented into the object hierarchy p(1) = patch('FaceColor','red','Parent',t(1)); txt(1) = text('String','Bottom','Parent',t(1)); p(2) = patch('FaceColor','green','Parent',t(2)); txt(2) = text('String','Right','Parent',t(2)); p(3) = patch('FaceColor','blue','Parent',t(3)); txt(3) = text('String','Back','Color','white','Parent',t(3)); p(4) = patch('FaceColor','yellow','Parent',t(4)); txt(4) = text('String','Top','Parent',t(4)); p(5) = patch('FaceColor','cyan','Parent',t(5)); txt(5) = text('String','Left','Parent',t(5)); p(6) = patch('FaceColor','magenta','Parent',t(6)); txt(6) = text('String','Front','Parent',t(6)); % All the patch objects use the same x, y, and z data set(p,'XData',X,'YData',Y,'ZData',Z) % Set the position and alignment of the text objects set(txt,'Position',[Xtext Ytext Ztext],... 'HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'VerticalAlignment','middle') % Display the objects in their current location doUpdate(1) % Set up initial translation transforms % Translate 1 unit in x Tx = makehgtform('translate',[1 0 0]); % Translate 1 unit in y Ty = makehgtform('translate',[0 1 0]); % Translate the unit squares to the desired locations % The drawnow and pause commands display % the objects after each translation set(t(2),'Matrix',Tx); doUpdate(1) set(t(3),'Matrix',Ty); doUpdate(1) set(t(4),'Matrix',Tx); doUpdate(1) set(t(5),'Matrix',Ty); doUpdate(1) set(t(6),'Matrix',Tx); doUpdate(1) % Specify rotation angle (pi/2 radians = 90 degrees) fold = pi/2; % Rotate -y, translate x Ry = makehgtform('yrotate',-fold); RyTx = Tx*Ry; % Rotate x, translate y Rx = makehgtform('xrotate',fold); RxTy = Ty*Rx; % Set the transforms % Draw after each group transform and pause set(t(6),'Matrix',RyTx); doUpdate(1) set(t(5),'Matrix',RxTy); doUpdate(1) set(t(4),'Matrix',RyTx); doUpdate(1) set(t(3),'Matrix',RxTy); doUpdate(1) set(t(2),'Matrix',RyTx); doUpdate(1) end function doUpdate(delay) drawnow pause(delay) end