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Mapping of tracks to truth


[trackIDs,truthIDs] = currentAssignment(assignmentMetric) returns the assignment of tracks to truth after the most recent update of the assignmentMetric System object™. The assignment is returned as a vector of track identifiers, trackIDs, and truth identifiers, truthIDs. Corresponding elements of the trackIDs and truthIDs vectors define the assignments.



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Examine the assignments and errors for a system tracking two targets.

First, load the stored track data.

load trackmetricex tracklog truthlog

Create objects to analyze assignment and error metrics.

tam = trackAssignmentMetrics;
tem = trackErrorMetrics;

Create the output variables.

posRMSE = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);
velRMSE = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);
posANEES = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);
velANEES = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);

Loop over all tracks to:

  • Extract the tracks and ground truth at the i th tracker update.

  • Analyze and retrieve the current track-to-truth assignment.

  • Analyze instantaneous error metrics over all tracks and truths.

for i=1:numel(tracklog)
    tracks = tracklog{i};
    truths = truthlog{i};
    [trackAM,truthAM] = tam(tracks, truths);
    [trackIDs,truthIDs] = currentAssignment(tam);
    [posRMSE(i),velRMSE(i),posANEES(i),velANEES(i)] = ...

Show the track metrics table.

ans=4×16 table
    TrackID    AssignedTruthID    Surviving    TotalLength    UnreportedStatus    DeletionStatus    DeletionLength    DivergenceStatus    DivergenceCount    DivergenceLength    RedundancyStatus    RedundancyCount    RedundancyLength    FalseTrackStatus    FalseTrackLength    SwapCount
    _______    _______________    _________    ___________    ________________    ______________    ______________    ________________    _______________    ________________    ________________    _______________    ________________    ________________    ________________    _________

       1             NaN            false         1120             false              false               0                false                 3                   3                false                 0                   0                false                  0               0    
       2             NaN            false         1736             false              false               0                false                 8                  88                false                 0                   0                false                 28               3    
       6               3            true          1138             false              false               0                false                 4                 314                false                 1                  28                false                  0               2    
       8               2            true           662             false              false               0                false                 2                  29                false                 1                 169                false                 28               0    

Show the truth metrics table.

ans=2×11 table
    TruthID    AssociatedTrackID    DeletionStatus    TotalLength    UnreportedStatus    BreakStatus    BreakCount    BreakLength    InCoverageArea    EstablishmentStatus    EstablishmentLength
    _______    _________________    ______________    ___________    ________________    ___________    __________    ___________    ______________    ___________________    ___________________

       2               8                false            2678             false             false           4             168            true                 true                    56         
       3               6                false            2678             false             false           3             645            true                 true                    84         

Plot the RMSE and ANEES error metrics.

title('Position Error')
xlabel('tracker update')
ylabel('RMSE (m)')

title('Velocity Error')
xlabel('tracker update')
ylabel('RMSE (m/s)')

title('Position Error')
xlabel('tracker update')

title('Velocity Error')
xlabel('tracker update')

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Position Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel RMSE (m) contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Velocity Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel RMSE (m/s) contains an object of type line. Axes object 3 with title Position Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel ANEES contains an object of type line. Axes object 4 with title Velocity Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel ANEES contains an object of type line.

Show the current error metrics for each individual recorded track.

ans=2×5 table
    TrackID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       6       44.712    20.988    0.05974     0.31325 
       8       129.26    12.739     1.6745      0.2453 

Show the current error metrics for each individual recorded truth object.

ans=2×5 table
    TruthID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       2       129.26    12.739     1.6745      0.2453 
       3       44.712    20.988    0.05974     0.31325 

Show the cumulative error metrics for each individual recorded track.

ans=4×5 table
    TrackID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       1       117.69    43.951    0.58338     0.44127 
       2        129.7      42.8    0.81094     0.42509 
       6       371.35    87.083     4.5208      1.6952 
       8       130.45    53.914     1.0448     0.44813 

Show the cumulative error metrics for each individual recorded truth object.

ans=2×5 table
    TruthID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       2       258.21    65.078     2.2514     0.93359 
       3       134.41    48.253    0.96314     0.49183 

Input Arguments

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Track assignment metrics object, specified as a trackAssignmentMetrics System object.

Output Arguments

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Track identifiers, returned as a vector. trackIDs and truthIDs have the same size. Corresponding elements of trackIDs and truthIDs represent a track-truth assignment.

Truth identifiers, returned as a vector. trackIDs and truthIDs have the same size. Corresponding elements of trackIDs and truthIDs represent a track-truth assignment.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b