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Plot surfaces in theater surface plotter

Since R2022b


plotSurface(sPlotter,plotData) plots surfaces specified by plotData using the surface plotter sPlotter.



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Create a tracking scenario.

scene = trackingScenario;

Define the terrain and boundaries of two surfaces and add the two surfaces to the tracking scenario.

terrain1 = randi(100,4,5);
terrain2 = randi(100,3,3);

boundary1 = [0 100;
    0 100-eps];
boundary2 = [0 100;
    100 200];

s1 = groundSurface(scene,Terrain=terrain1,Boundary=boundary1);
s2 = groundSurface(scene,Terrain=terrain2,Boundary=boundary2);

Obtain the plotter data by using the surfacePlotterData function.

plotterData = surfacePlotterData(scene.SurfaceManager)
plotterData=1×2 struct array with fields:

Create a theaterPlot object and specify its axial limits.

tp = theaterPlot(ZLimits=[-50 150],YLimits=[-50 250],ZLimits=[-100 100]);

Create a surface plotter.

splotter = surfacePlotter(tp,DisplayName="Surfaces");

Plot surfaces in the theater plot. Change the view angles for better visualization.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 2 objects of type patch. These objects represent Surfaces.

Input Arguments

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Surface plotter object, created by the surfacePlotter function.

Plot data, specified as an S-element array of structures, where S is the number of surfaces. You can directly create this argument by using the surfacePlotterData function. To create this argument manually, specify each structure with these fields.

Field NameDescription
XDomain of the surface in the x-direction, specified as an M-element real-valued vector. M is the number of x-coordinates for defining the terrain of the surface. The values for the elements in the vector must monotonically increase.
YDomain of the surface in the y-direction, specified as an N-element real-valued vector. N is the number of y-coordinates for defining the terrain of the surface. The values for the elements in the vector must monotonically increase.
ZHeight values of the surface, specified as an N-by-M real-valued matrix. N is the number of elements in the Y field, and M is the number of elements in the X field.
CColor for vertices in the terrain of the surface, specified as an N-by-M-by-3 matrix of RGB triplets. N is the number of elements in the Y field, and M is the number of elements in the X field. The plotSurface function determines the color of a surface patch based on the color of its first vertex.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b